Monday, March 30, 2020

Pictures and Quotes that Help Me


Namaste (Hello)

The Nepali culture is so so cool. I have learned so much the last 2 days, and the language is already coming along really well. The food is super super spicy, but so so good! I have also downloaded the Nepali keyboard on my phone so I can text and type with it. The few Nepali people that we have been able to have video lessons with the last few days are so nice and kind, and they are always just so happy and humble. Very awesome people! And even though I can't fully understand what they are saying yet, I know they are children of our loving Heavenly Father and that I have been sent here to help bring them closer to our Savior Jesus Christ.

So on Saturday I made sure I had all of my stuff packed, and we left Lewis Center at about 12. We got to the Dublin church bldg at about 12:30, where I met Elder Sirrine, and we put my bags in the car, and just like that, I was on my 6th companion of my mission. We drove to Reynoldsburg which is about 30 min south east of Dublin. We got to the apt, and met up with Elder Pakwal and Elder Smith. Elder Pakwal is native Nepali, and Elder Smith got here from the MTC 3 days ago. They are staying here in Reynoldsburg with us until the quarantine is over, and then they will go back to Talmadge where the other Nepali area is. It's been super fun to be with 3 other elders and be able to just learn and grow. The apt is super super nice. There are a lot of Nepali people here at the apt complex, and it's so fun to hear them outside everyday. We have a white Malibu that we drive.

We did language study and comp study on Saturday afternoon, and then had a video lesson with a Nepali family up in Talmadge who Pakwal and Smith are currently teaching. Then, Elder Pakwal made some really REALLY great Nepali food. He made this tasty chicken that didn't really taste anything like chicken and had it with a Nepali sauce, and rice. It burned my throat and made my eyes water, but it was so great! We played frisbee out at a huge field/park area right behind where the apt is that night. It was super fun! And good just to get outside, and move around.

Sunday was very amazing. We started the day off by planning at 8:30; and then we had sacrament mtg with the 4 of us here at the apt at 9 o clock, and we had some hymns and our own little testimony mtg. Super fun! And then we had personal study, and then played a game at lunch time, then we went out to the park by the apt and did comp study. It was a windy day and I almost blew away . . . okay it wasn't that windy, but it was pretty windy ;). We did about 3 hrs worth of language study of Nepali, and I really feel that I'm grasping it more and more. I've learned the whole alphabet and we have written out our first prayer in Nepali. We also had a district devotional chat, and it was super great! We studied from Come Follow Me and it was so much fun to be able to study about Easter/Resurrection and learn more about what the Resurrection means to me. I'd like to ask you guys that same question: "What does the Resurrection mean to all of you?"

Fun fact: Me, Elder Sirrine, Elder Pakwal, Elder Smith, and the Reynoldsburg Nepali Sisters are the only 6 Nepali speaking missionaries in this mission. So Elder Pakwal and Elder Sirrine were saying that we just switch off between the 4 of us whose companion we are. Elder Pakwal and Sirrine have been Nepali for 1 yr now on the mission and they said you just rotate between the other 3 missionaries here. So the Nepali speakers here get really good with each other. They're all super fun to be around! 

The challenge and invitation I would like to extend this week is going to be super fun I think :) I invite us to do one thing this week that stretches us beyond our comfort zones. Whether that means:

- Singing in front of a large audience
- Doing service for someone
- Studying longer on a certain class than we would originally like to
- Etc

We truly see growth within us when we go beyond our limits, and when we allow our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ to shape and mold us into who we need to be. I have truly seen that over the last 48 hrs. Nepali is not a super easy language, the characters are completely different from any letter that I've seen. But I know Heavenly Father wanted me to be Nepali speaking now, and that He will be with me and strengthen me to be who I need to be from this experience. I'm so grateful we all have the blessing of growing and learning everyday . . . Doing our best everyday!

I thought I would send what the Nepali language and characters sound like. Right now, I'm a lot better at speaking the language than I am at typing it out, and so I've been using Google translate a lot to help me out, and I also have a study binder that a member in the Nepali ward gave me yesterday of all the verbs/phrases/conjugates, etc. I have been praying more than I probably ever have before to be able to have the Spirit with me to help me and guide me in this new learning of a language. Its a fun language to speak out loud, very fast and very exciting.

येशू ख्रीष्टको सुसमाचार सत्य छ, र हामी विश्वासमा स्वर्गीय पितालाई प्रार्थना गर्दा, हामीले उहाँको प्रतिज्ञा पाएका छौं र हामी सबैको लागि उहाँको इच्छा जान्न सक्छौं।  म उहाँलाई प्रेम गर्दछु, किनकि उहाँ पहिले हामी सबैलाई प्रेम गर्नुहुन्छ।  उहाँको प्रेम बिना शर्त हो।  येशू ख्रीष्टको पछि लाग्नुहोस्, र उहाँको मार्गमा सालक।

Translation: "The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true, and as we pray to Heavenly Father in faith, we receive His promised blessings and we can know Him for all of us.  I love him, because he first loved all of us. 

His love is unconditional.  Come follow Jesus Christ, and walk in His way." 

We received an update about the Coronavirus quarantine on Saturday from President Stratford. He said that there won't be any more convert baptisms til at least April 14th, and he also said that we can no longer give the sacrament to people right now (because of the stay at home order). So we will be quarantined at least until April 6th. But, I have learned a lot from this quarantine and I truly know that it is in Heavenly Father's way and in His own timing that things are brought to pass. He has not forgotten us, of that we can be certain. He is always with us, and wants us to learn and grow from these experiences that we are so blessed to have and go through.

I'm so excited for General Conference. I invite us all to go into conference this weekend with a question in mind, and to be praying about it before Saturday and Sunday this week. I know it'll bless our lives and give us the answer Heavenly Father has for us. 😁

I love YOU forever and always!

Elder Dylan ❤

Sunday, March 29, 2020

A Matter of a Few Degrees

I wanted to share with you one of Elder Utchdorf's talks that I was reading this week and listening to, and share what I got from it. It's his talk titled, "A matter of a few degrees". As I was listening to it, I saw how important it is to stay on the direct path Heavenly Father has set for us. I remembered the analogy activity that Dad did with the YSA kids when we would have them over to our house. The string gets cut shorter every time we make a decision or choice. It may not seem like a lot, because the string is still there; but by the time we have made 3 or 4 or 5 cuts at the string, it can no longer reach the Savior; when at first, the string was reaching both people.

A matter of a few degrees is so powerful! I encourage all to read this talk, and be able to know that the choices and decisions we are making everyday, are helping us be and stay in the direct path to REACH our Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ.

It's so cool how we can build other people up, by the actions of ourselves, and we can continually be learning more and more everyday. Continue to be the light that other people need in their life. Continue to be true and do your very best everyday, and the Lord will accept your effort.

I've learned that 2nd chances are possible through Jesus Christ and His atonement. His arms are stretched out still, for all and to all who will come and listen to Him and Follow Him. I'm grateful for the knowledge we have of the Gospel and what it means for each of us in our lives. Temples are a place where we can feel that love He has for us, and be able to truly talk with Him.

I love all of you guys so so much! I'm grateful for your constant love and support of me, and I miss all of you guys so much. ❤

I love you all forever and always!
Elder Dylan

Friday, March 27, 2020


So we found out last night that the new missionaries who were supposed to come next week on April 1st from the MTC, are actually arriving at the mission home today. So we have transfers tomorrow instead of next week.

Here is the announcement:
I will be getting transferred to the Reynoldsburg Nepali area in the Columbus South Zone! I will be companions with Elder Sirrine. That means . . . I will be learning the language of Nepali!! I'm so excited, and am so happy :).

Transfers will happen tomorrow. And then I'll have normal p-day on Monday :)

I love you all forever and always!
Elder Dylan ❤

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

All It Takes Is Faith & Trust

Hey Momma!

Sounds like you guys had a very great last 3 days! It was so so great to see Lola on Skype on Friday! She is getting so so big and strong :) .

I'm so glad that Parker and Khristin were able to come over for sacrament and lunch. Those tortillas sound really good.

I'm excited to hear that you're doing summer class! I know you will do so so very great.

Me and Elder Marler are doing good. He is going stir crazy though. He thinks he is just wasting his time now as a missionary because he doesn't like doing Facebook stuff and just wants to be outside. I've been staying pretty active everyday and just telling myself that everything is going to be okay, no matter how hard this has been 😉

The mission is doing good. Everyone is pretty tense right now and just so uncertain about the future. But I totally agree with you, that as long as we are prepared, the Lord will do the rest. That is something I have learned so so much since entering the MTC on August 14. Is that we don't have to know everything or have all the answers, but as long as we press forward with faith and trust, we can truly and literally move mountains with Heavenly Fathers help. I'm so grateful I've been able to learn and grow as much as I have and to continue strengthening my testimony everyday. 🧡😉

I pray for you guys every day and I'm constantly thinking about all of you! I miss you all very much ❤

I love you forever and always! :)

Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronovirus Quarantine Week 1

How are all of you guys doing this week? :) Did anything big or exciting happen? :) How is school and working from home going? :)

This is going to be a little different structured email this week, we got quarantined on Tuesday and not a whole lot has happened since then. We have been doing a lot of online stuff, and using Facebook to be doing things :). I've been doing a little of some Spanish study on Duolingo, so that's been pretty fun. I workout twice a day to stay moving and not go crazy. So I decided to make this email into a little bit of a talk, and share with you guys what I've been thinking about lately.

How is everyone's Book of Mormon reading going? I hope super super good! I encourage all of us to do our best in the next 12 days til General Conference to read as much as we can about Jesus Christ and ponder ways we can hear Him in our lives. ❤

Tuesday: So Elder and Sister Weidman wanted us to go to downtown Columbus (right by OSU campus) and help them move furniture and things into an apt that WOULD be for a senior couple. So we did that on Tuesday morning and then went and got Dairy Queen through the drive through haha ;) All of the senior couples in the mission have been sent home, so we only have the Weidmans, Newmans, and Elder Bower. We have about 30-ish missionaries going home in the next 7 or 8 days with all the announcements and adjustments that have been made recently.

Saturday and Sunday were pretty normal. We were able to have a couple really good Skype lessons with a few member families, and that was super fun! And then we had the sacrament just here at the apt on Sunday. :)

My talk:
So I wanted to talk about the principle of HOPE. As I was thinking about HOPE this week and what it means to me to "hope for things which aren't seen", I was reminded why one individual must have hope. Hope isn't something that one can simply say they want without having a true desire to HOPE for things which they truly desire to happen.

This week, I have been at the apt complex all day everyday and I don't think up to this point in my life, I have ever felt more inclined to get down on my knees and pray than I did over the last 7 or 8 days. I listened to a song by Hillary Scott, titled, "Thy Will be Done". In the song, she says, "I know that you are God, and I am not". Those 10 words hit me very strong. God is in control, and as hard as it seems right now, I have a basket full of HOPE that the light is coming towards us, all we have to do, is accept the Lords will and move forward with hope and faith.

Take Jesus Christ and His Atonement for example. Jesus Christ sat in the garden of Gethsemene and wept to the Father, and said, "Father, wilt thou take this cup from me, nevertheless not my will, but thine be done". Christ had the HOPE that if He just put His trust in Heavenly Father, everything would work out the way it was supposed to. But what Christ also did, was He acted on the Father's will. In today's world, people want hope, but are they truly willing and accepting of the 'will and what He wants for them to do?

The primary song goes through my head, "Faith is like a little seed, if planted it will grow". That is so true. But first, in order to have the seed grow into a big and beautiful plant or flower, we have to have the hope that IF we put the seed in the ground, it will grow.

Hope is an action word, it is something that has to happen in order to have something else happen. Take the parable of the Leper. The Leper had leprosy all over him and Christ simply told him to go wash in the river Jordan. The Leper had 2 choices to make.
1.) To go ask someone else for help and advice.
2.) Follow Jesus Christ and have hope that even though he couldn't see what was at the end of the tunnel, he could be healed.

It is super cool that not only can we have HOPE for things in our life, but that if we put just a little trust and faith along with that hope, Heavenly Father turns the HOPE/circumstance into a big and beautiful flower that can continually grow and grow everyday.

I know HOPE isn't always easy to have, especially in every crazy thing that is happening today. But I do know, through every last ounce of my breath, that HOPE in Jesus Christ is the way, is the path to lead.


This is what hope means to me :) ❤ What does it mean to all of you? :) Hope is so so awesome :)

That would be my invitation to all of us today: Everyday, plant a seed in the ground and then have faith and  nourish it; and then just like the song says, "Faith is trust in God above; in Christ who showed the way". So once we have the HOPE planted firmly in our own ground, have Faith that Jesus Christ will show the way.

I am grateful for the aspect of HOPE and that the light of Christ will always be there as we turn to Him and as we exercise a particle of HOPE and give our seed to Christ to allow Him to turn it into something stronger and more beautiful.

I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to YOU, Happy birthday dear Mom, Happy Birthday to you. (On Friday March 27th 😉)" I am so so very grateful for you and that March 27 happened, because the earth gained an angel of a person, and we gained an angel of a Mom, Wife, and friend :)💗 Thank you for all that you do and for your kindness and example to everyone around you! You truly are a light to everyone, and the #1 Mom ever ❤❤

How is Salem doing? Are you guys excited for Spring break in just a few weeks? Tell Carson Peterson hi for me. He is coming home today because they sent home the whole Singapore mission today.

I pray for you guys daily, and I miss you all so much. I'm so glad to hear that everyone is doing great and staying busy and having a lot of fun with everything you have going on ❤

I love YOU Forever and Always! :)
Elder Dylan

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Missionaries Quarantined

Dear Parents,

This is the latest update from Church Missionary Department - As of today all missionaries are quarantined to their apartments until further notice.  We are checking on them to make sure they have enough food and other supplies they need.  They may go outside to exercise, get fresh air etc.  We are doing everything we can to make sure they are safe.  Please continue to pray for them and that this does not last long.  I'm sure the Lord will bless them.


Sister Newman
Ohio Columbus Mission Office

Monday, March 16, 2020

Reach Out and Be Safe

I hope you're all enjoying the time off of school and work the next few weeks. Please please please make sure you're washing your hands (I wash mine about every 10 min ;)) and staying safe and staying healthy.

I wanted to invite all of us to do something this upcoming week . . . Be reaching out to people and checking in on them, texting and calling them to make sure they're doing okay and asking if they need anything, and then helping out wherever and whenever we can. It is definitely a unique situation and I'm seeing it full send out here because all the non members aren't allowing us anywhere close to their houses until the virus is gone, so we have been just doing member visits the last few days all over the ward. As hard as it is for me to not be doing a whole lot but still having to be outside everyday, I know Heavenly Father has a plan and that we are all growing so so much with this experience in our lives right now ❤
From my very favorite Lola -- It made my whole week!

I love and miss you all so so much :):) You all have been on my mind EVERYDAY this week and I've been very worried about you guys, being 6 states away from my awesome family is no bueno💙.❤ I pray to Heavenly Father everyday to keep you all safe and healthy.

I love you all forever and always!

Elder Dylan

Update from President Stratford

Sisters & Elders,

    As you already know, the church released guidelines today indicating young missionaries with health issues, and senior missionaries, may be released from service. Elders who have served for  21 months may also be released. I realize this announcement has many of you wondering about your future as a missionary. We are committed to follow the prophet's counsel and to implement whatever strategies the brethren feel are needed in our mission. I was expecting  to receive further guidance today however that has not happened. Until we hear from the missionary department with specific measures applicable to our mission I invite you to continue under current mission guidelines.
    Missionaries with compromised immune systems, or any flu like symptoms,  should remain in their apartment. If you go outside for exercise or to obtain supplies, limit your contact with people and keep a 6 foot distance between you & them.

    Some local priesthood leaders have asked missionaries to discontinue visiting members.  Please respect their decision and seek permission to contact members digitally. This is a very good substitute that will allow you to keep members involved in missionary work. I have attached some guidelines for your consideration. 

    All healthy missionaries may continue to follow a regular daily schedule but must apply the safety standards outlined in my March 9th email.  We are not yet in quarantine status. I am aware that people are scared and may not want to speak to you because they are afraid of getting the virus. Heavenly Father is humbling his children.  It is a crazy time to be a missionary. Use your creativity and listen to the Spirit. Remember you were saved in the pre-earth life so you could experience this exact time in missionary work.  l will  continue to keep you updated as I learn more.

    Sending our Love, President & Sister Stratford

Another COVID-19 Update from the Mission

Dear Parents,

This is the latest update/info from the Church Missionary Department concerning the Coronavirus.  We will keep you updated as needed.

Sister Newman
Ohio Columbus Mission Office

Dear parents,

How grateful we are to serve with your sons and daughters in the Lord's cause.  We love these young women and young men as our own.  Please know that with the Coronavirus or COVID-19 affecting people here and around the world, our highest priority right now continues to be your missionary's personal health and safety.

To help ensure the missionaries' continued physical and spiritual well-being, we are following the inspired and well-informed direction of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve, our Area Presidency , and the Missionary Department.  We also are instructing the missionaries in following local and national government guidelines and precautions, reminding them to:

  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Stay in their apartment whenever they themselves are sick.  Avoid touching their eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces with household cleaning spray or wipes
  • Wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (which should always be done if their hands are visibly dirty), and if soap and water are not readily available, to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol

We are asking your missionary to contact us immediately if they feel sick so that we can involve health care professionals and our area medical advisers.  If your missionary has chronic or critical health issues that we need to be aware of, we also invite you to reply to this email to make sure that we address any concerns.  We understand very well that the current situation may be stressful and cause concerns for some of our missionaries and their families, but we will watch over your missionary carefully and will communicate with them often.

If it becomes necessary for our missionaries to only work from their apartments, we will provide additional funds for them to purchase food and supplies.  We will help the missionaries prepare and make sure their needs are met.

These are challenging times and circumstances, but to us this also is an opportunity to continue sharing the gospel.  If our missionaries are required to work primarily from their apartments, they will continue to focus on their missionary purpose by teaching using technology, studying the scriptures and Preach My Gospel, language learning, family history, online community service and other activities as needed.  This is also a significant opportunity for missionaries to work closely with local Church leaders to reach out to new and returning members, families where some individuals are not yet members, and members with special ministering needs.  Our missionaries will continue to go outside for exercise and fresh air while observing wise guidelines for personal contact.  All of these activities will help them continue the Lord's work, grow spiritually, and bless those in the communities they serve.

Going forward, we will continue to send updates to you as mission circumstances evolve.  If your missionary is working from their apartment, they may communicate with you twice a week to share their status and experiences.

Please be assured that we are completely dedicated to keeping your missionary healthy and safe.  And we are most grateful for loving Heavenly Father's supporting hand in caring for them.  May He continue to abundantly bless you and your family, each and every missionary, and the people we have been called to serve.

With our greatest love and Appreciation,

President and Sister Stratford

COVID-19 and Missionary Work

Here Is The Latest Update From Church Headquarters On The Effects Of COVID - 19 And Missionary Work . . .

Update on How COVID-19 Is Impacting Missionary Service
Mission calls will continue to be made worldwide as temporary adjustments are implemented
Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ remains a sacred priority for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, even in the current circumstances related to the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to monitor the spread of this condition and its impact on missionaries worldwide. We take very seriously the health and safety of our missionaries and of those they teach. We are adapting to constantly changing conditions.

In addition, Church leaders are implementing some temporary adjustments to missionary service. Out of an abundance of caution, these changes include:

- Young missionaries with health issues and senior missionaries may be released from service.
- Missionaries who begin their service and are unable to travel to their assigned mission may be temporarily reassigned to another mission.
- To adjust for rapidly changing conditions, young missionary elders currently serving in missions within the United States and Canada who would complete their mission on or before September 1, 2020, may be released after they have served for 21 months.
- Some missionaries may be temporarily reassigned.
- Young missionaries needing to work primarily from their apartments will continue teaching using technology, studying the scriptures and Preach My Gospel, language learning, family history, online community service and other activities as identified by the mission president. In addition, missionaries are encouraged to stay in contact with their families frequently and to take opportunities to leave their apartments for periods of exercise and fresh air, while observing wise guidelines for personal contact.

Church leaders will continue to monitor conditions and make further adjustments as needed. As a Church, we express our love and appreciation for all missionaries as they strive to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ and share His love wherever they serve.

What a Week

What. A. Week. That was the longest, shortest, most adventurous week I've had in my 20 yrs of life. And it just keeps getting more and more exciting not by the day, but by the minute in each day :) I have been taking immune stimulator everyday, and staying hydrated and working out everyday. For my workouts, I do:

- 45 min running
- 10 min of stairs (running up and down the stairs by the front door. Lightly so I don't wake the neighbors up ;))
- 150-200 Crunches
Monday thru Sunday, it's the best 😉😁

How are all of you doing? Is everyone doing okay and staying healthy??? School is out for the next 3 weeks right? Have they given you guys info on what you're going to be doing during that time as far as working and going to school online? What did you decide for Sundays and how you want to do sacrament and such? Bishop Pease told the Lewis Center ward to do it in their own homes if they have a priesthood holder to do it, or to have the missionaries or their ministering people do it.

School in Ohio is cancelled for the next 3 weeks, and many adults are now working from home. As of last night (Sunday), it is being told by the school districts in Ohio that they may end up just cancelling the rest of the school year. So the next 2 months. The stores are bare, hardly anything at all. When I was at Walmart on Friday this week buying stuff, most of the shelves were bare; I almost thought it had been 365 days already and Christmas was here, but on steroids :).

I have been able to see how all of my time as Student Body President and in other tense leadership positions growing up, has helped me now to be able to stay calm and keep a cool head. Lots of people in Ohio are going crazy, and freaking out. But WE know, that nothing will get accomplished when we "aren't thinking right". Stay calm, keep a cool head, and have some fun these next 3 weeks. :) Its not everyday that the whole world gets shut down and everyone is at home 😉😁

I'm doing good, just staying positive as much as I can. I'm very anxious to just be able to talk with people on a regular basis again. Because of the virus, people haven't been open to us at all coming to their house, which I can honestly understand and am glad they are wanting to be safe and keep us safe as well. So I've been pacing around in the apartment a lot lately. We went knocking on a lot of doors this week and at every single door we went to, this was the peoples response to us, "Sorry, please come back in about 6-8 weeks after the coronavirus is gone". So we are no longer knocking on doors and tracting for the time being, which makes it interesting because finding new people to talk with and teach is a HUUUGGEEE part of missionary work. This means that we solely are needing to do member work. So over the last few days that is what we have been doing. We had 12 member visits on Saturday. Before this week, I think I just was okay with being average to share the gospel. We ALL must make a commitment to ourselves everyday, that we will truly truly exhaust ourselves to share the Gospel. Everyday, everyday, everyday. The Lord is hastening His work, and on the horizon is coming to meet His disciples.

I've been reading my Patriarchal blessing recently, and I just have to say how amazing and so cool that it is that we can have blessings given to us by our Heavenly Father, to know our identity and objectives in this life. For me, I still remember the day I received my patriarchal blessing on November 12, 2017. It was a special day and I know Heavenly Father was there in the room. I truly felt He wanted me to hear all the words He spoke to me through Patriarch Griffiths. Read our patriarchal blessings often, for in them, we will continually find comfort and peace and guidance.

Tuesday: We went to seminary again and that was super fun! They had chocolate chip muffins there and it was so so great! Seminary is the best and I'm so so grateful I had the opportunity to go. When the quarantine/all of this, is all finished, I encourage all of us to go to institute. It is such a great place to be! We also went over to the Ball house on Tuesday night and did a Book of Mormon reading with them. Me and Elder Marler taught the class and it was a ton of fun! We taught on Alma 47 and how we must always stay on higher ground, even when temptation comes. It reminded me of Elder Holland's talk, "Stay within the lines". In the talk, Elder Holland talks about how we must armor up always; that we can't expect to play for the adversary, and then suit up for the Savior come temple and mission time. I love that phrase. We must be worthy and ready to see the Savior always.

Wednesday: We were able to find one new person that day. He said he wanted a copy of the Bible and so we invited him to come to church this week to receive a copy, but that is no longer a possibility for a few weeks ;). We went over to the Cluff house that afternoon for a lesson and visit. He is the 2nd counselor in the Stake Presidency. We were there for about an hour and a half, with the first 45 min talking about what is happening right now everywhere. It was there that we also found out that everything, literally everything in the state of Ohio, is closed for the next 3 weeks. We taught the Cluffs about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and what it means to live the Gospel, ESPECIALLY in the home (hint hint ;)). I got back to the apartment and found out that General Conference was now only being broadcasted, and no public admittance would be allowed.

Thursday: We visited with the Millers. They are an older couple and it was so much fun to talk with them. Brother Miller was a pilot for his job and talked about all his piloting adventures. Made me think of Elder Utchdorf's talk when he and President Monson were touring a plane, and Elder Utchdorf put his hands on the controls and handset. President Monson gently put his hands on Elder Utchdorf's shoulders and said, "Dieter. Don't even think about it" :) We went and stopped by the Bulsons, and it was so great! Sister Bulson is a recent convert of I think 3 or 4 yrs maybe. We helped answer some of her questions about the Book of Mormon, and what types of ways she can be finding answers to her prayers (i.e. prayer, church, temple attendance, etc). With 2 out of those 3 things being temporarily closed, I INVITE ALL OF US, to earnestly and sincerely pray these next 3 weeks til General Conference. As President Nelson stated April 2019 Conference, "Come and hear the word of the Lord. Time is running out." We also were able to go over to the Gornichec house and help sand the last part of his shelves and drawers, and I kind of looked like Jack Frost afterwards because of how much sawdust I had in my hair. Haha pics to come :):) They bought us all some Chipotle dinner. I ordered a pork burrito and man it was so good. I was pretty much dripping from head to toe in sweat because I had been sanding for 3 straight hours and had gotten a pretty great workout in if I do say so myself 😉 I got back to the apt and saw that church is temporarily closed for the next 3 weeks til General Conference. The APs sent out a message Thursday night and told everyone that President Stratford had been hospitalized that day and to keep him in our prayers. Well that didn't help the situation of what's going on, and a lot of the missionaries here are very worried right now and so everything is just tense to say the least.

Friday: Because President Stratford was hospitalized, then interviews were cancelled. So we had district council at the Powell bldg, and I gave a training on the Safeguards for using technology. And then me and Elder Marler had comp study and weekly planning. We got back to the apt at 3-ish, and the APs sent another message out and said, "Your MSF funds have been loaded again, President and Sister Stratford have given everyone permission to go EMERGENCY shopping. Please get what you can, the stores are crazy right now". So me and Elder Marler went shopping for the next hour. And just so everyone knows, I do have toilet paper ;). Kroger and Walmart were so busy and the shelves were so bare. I got a few things and then decided to go back today to get a few more things. We went and visited the Walkers, Sullivans, Nelson's, and Pease family that night.

Friday night we also had a mission wide conference call with everyone, mission staff and senior couples included. President first addressed his physical condition. With him having Bell's Palsy right now, it got worse this week, and he went to the hospital to have some tests done. He then was ambulanced to OSU hospital. They thought he had a brain bleed. It was determined that he did not have a brain bleed, but they gave him prescription meds to take. He said the meds have weakened his immune system, so he is quarantining himself until transfers on April 2nd and will be staying at the mission home until then. So we will do interviews next week via video call with him.

He then explained everything else. So, as of October 1, 2020, any missionary who is scheduled to return home after October 1, 2020 and does not have a yellow star on their drivers license (A.k.a, A real ID), they will not be going home by airplane. They'll have to have their parents come pick them up. So, thankfully we got my drivers license renewed in June last summer and so I have a yellow star on my license and my license also doesn't expire til 2024 so that's even better :):).

President then said, that effective immediately, all senior couples in this mission are quarantined for the time being. There are currently 4 or 5 cases of the virus up by Cleveland, and one or two in Columbus area. He then said that we will be getting 3 missionaries being transferred from the Korea mission. They'll be coming sometime around March 23 or 24 I think. President told us that we are still supposed to be out and about outside doing missionary work.

Saturday: By this day, I was pretty much just waiting for President Nelson to announce for everyone to drive to Missouri to Adam Ondi Ahman, because the Savior was coming. 😉 It was a good day. It also snowed all day long; so it was not only snowing, but the whole world was shut down and the coronavirus was there, a day to be remembered ;). We visited with 12 member families and were able to visit and have some good lessons. It was busy, and I loved it! Member work is the best and I'm glad that they are willing to have us in their homes . . . After we wash our hands first with the hand sanitizers by their front doors 😁😉. We gave Brother and Sister Mathis both a blessing. Even though I probably shouldn't have because she was sick, BUT, I did wash my hands for a long time after. We visited John Russell, and then a lot of other members in Sunbury. We then were able to give 2 bibles to a guy named Emanuel who isn't a member, but had contacted the Dublin sisters through their Facebook bible give away group, and then they got a hold of us. We met him at the library in Lewis Center. It was like 8 o'clock, and we walked up to his car, and he rolled his window down and the merchandise was delivered. :)

Sunday was wonderful! So I did my usual Sunday morning routine and did daily planning at 8:30 and personal study from 9:00-11:00. We then went over to Sister Secrest's house and gave the sacrament to her and her family, as well as ourselves. Then we had lunch at the apt, did comp study at 2, and then went over to the Forbes house for a lesson, and they gave us both a package of MRE's to eat. :) Bishop Nelson texted us and asked if we were still allowed out of the apt or if we had been quarantined. He then invited us over to their house for nachos and chocolate cake. The nachos were so good and I had some TOBASCO sauce on top of it. You'd be proud of me Dad 😉. We had 2 other member visits planned, but they both cancelled because they were all sick. But, overall it was a very fantastic day! It was fun doing the sacrament at Secrests, it made me think back to me doing Shut Ins at peoples houses after church each Sunday. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true!

I have also been washing my hands about every 10 to 15 min. I just say to myself that it's getting me ready for when I'm a doctor and I have to wash my hands multiple times a day :) ;)

It was a great week! With as much as was and still is happening, I truly saw myself turning to prayer this week. I thought back to what I have learned about the early saints going on missions and leaving their families behind and a lot of hard things happening to them. I then thought about my wonderful and incredible family who I am currently not with in person. I prayed day in and day out for Heavenly Father to bless you guys. And while I know everyone is safe and well back home, it tears at a missionary's heart strings to have something like this be going on.

I came to a true testimony this week of Revelation and the blessing of having a prophet on the earth. You guys probably saw it on Facebook, but there was a post that said something along the lines of, "We have been asked to have a food storage. We have been asked to live within our means. We have been asked to learn to study the Gospel in our homes. We have been asked to minister and reach out to people. And we have been asked to follow the prophet." That hit me hard this week. I know Heavenly Father has a role in what is taking place. He is there for us, because I know He is our loving Heavenly Father.

I have been thinking about the parable of the 10 virgins. About how 5 of the virgins had their lamps filled with oil and when the Bridegroom came to the feast, the 5 virgins went in and ate with Him. The other 5 virgins however, were not ready and anxiously rushed to get oil, but by the time they got to the feast, it was too late . . . I just got cold chills while writing that. The Lord is coming, and I'm so very grateful that we are all continuing to prepare and be ready for when Jesus Christ does come. "For we know not the hour nor the day which the Son of Man cometh; but this much we do know, that those who patiently wait on the Lord, shall be received into Heaven." Ahh that's AMMMAAAZZIINNNGG :)

I also have a testimony on the power of the Priesthood. I felt overcome this week with so many emotions. One of them being that Priesthood power is indeed on the earth and we can use it to its full capacity. Being able to give Brother and Sister Mathis both a blessing on Saturday was amazing. I'm so grateful I have the amazing chance to use my priesthood authority for other people. Over the next 3 weeks til General Conference, I encourage all of us, to seek ways to use the priesthood to bless people and use God's power.

I also realized something this week. Church, work, and school are cancelled for 3 weeks. General Conference is in 3 weeks. God has put families together for the next 3 weeks to learn more about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass", and in the words of one of our favorite movies (The Incredibles), "Coincidence!? I think not. :)" 😉

The challenge I would like to invite all of us to do this week is going to be a little different than the last ones. The invite is this: "Apply Helaman 5:12 and strengthen our ability and capacity to have a firm foundation". I know it'll bless our lives. And I'll add one more sentence to the challenge, "Take our vitamins. It's going to be exciting!" ;) And make sure you're drinking Spark, that'll be even better to have :) ;). Continue to study Come Follow Me every week. It will bless all of our lives as we do so, and we will continue to see different ways that we can "Hear Him" as President Nelson invited us to do. Come Follow Me is the best!

I also wanted to say how much I love being able to write in my journal everyday and how much it has blessed my life to be able to start my day out with that. I haven't always been the best at journaling; in fact, as I'm writing this part of the email, I'm realizing that I always said it was too hard for me to write in my journal when I was younger. A phrase comes to my mind, "The words which we write unto the Lord, if we keep them sacred, they will be given to us for a remembrance and a testimony in days to come". That phrase just came to my mind out of nowhere. Journaling is the best, and it is a blessing to be able to do it.

My testimony is this, I know without a shadow of a doubt that this Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. The coronavirus was supposed to happen during the year 2020. We can't always control what happens, but I know we can control how we react and respond to what happens. Reach out to those around you, minister as the Savior did. That is true ministering. Not a lesson, but serving others and extending our hand towards them. President Nelson is a prophet of God and I know he is seeking revelation from the Lord. I felt that this week. I don't know how I felt it, but on Thursday and Friday this week, the Lord confirmed to me that what President Nelson announced was truth and it will all be okay. The Lord has a hand in everything we do and are doing.

I also hit my 7 month mark on Saturday. Time is going so so quickly and I can't believe it's already been 7 months since I left Utah . . . And it was also PI day on Saturday; 3.1415962 . . . . Haha that's all I can remember. Did you guys have pie? I was craving pie, because you know, Pie is my very most favorite :):) I should've bought one to eat this weekend.

I also almost got in a car accident on Sunday morning. Generally speaking, it would've been my fault . . . I pulled out in front of a black car, and even though I looked both ways, it must've been in my blind spot. The guy laid on his horn for about 15 seconds, then I had pulled off to the side of the road because we had just arrived at a members house to visit them. The guy pulls up next to me, and we both roll our windows down. He looks at me and says, "Are you okay?" I ask him what he means. He says, "Well I'm just making sure you know how to drive because you just pulled out right in front of me". I kind of laughed, and then just said, "Yes man, I know how to drive. Have a good day!" He drives off. Needless to say, it was quite the moment, thankfully I didn't get in an accident.

How did YM's go on Wednesday Dad with the game night? I saw the pictures mom posted on Facebook! It looked super super fun. Mom, are you still doing classes right now then? I guess it's a good thing you were already doing online classes. It'll be a nice and easy transition for you instead of having to transition from in person to online over the next few weeks. Mom, I sent your birthday package on Friday so it should be there either today or tomorrow. I wanted to get it sent before the post offices were told to close :):).

A song I've been listening to this week is the youth theme song, "Press Forward". This week has taught me that missionary work cannot be done alone. I have seen this week just how hard it is to do missionary work when people are inside of their homes and not able to meet with us. But just like this song says, "We will press forward. Onward with faith. We will press forward, together, onward, press forward". This is my testimony to ALL. Christ lives and we are all missionaries to help in this great work. Coach has called our number, we have strapped up our chin strap, we are in the game :)

I am so very grateful for all of you and so very grateful for everything you guys do for me :) 💛 Families truly are forever, through Heavenly Fathers plan. I always want to be with my own family, and the Lord has shown me how I can, the Lord, has shown me how I can.❤ I miss you ALL so very much, and I pray for you all everyday. I feel like the Grinch, "my heart has grown 3 sizes larger" and I love and appreciate all of you guys so so much.

I love YOU Forever and Always!
Elder Dylan

Sunday, March 15, 2020

President Stratford's Email to the Mission

Sisters & Elders,

           I am grateful to each of you for showing you faith through fasting and prayer on behalf of Sister Stratford and me. We are seeing slight improvement in the paralysis in my face and I feel great otherwise. The Lord is truly blessing and sustaining us.

           It is an unprecedented time in the world and in the church. We are receiving updates every day. Policies and procedures continue to be adjusted to protect our missionaries and church members. I feel as though this event may be taking its toll on many of you. I assure you that the Lord is in charge, and he will direct his prophet and apostles to lead us in the proper way. I invite you to consider this as a method the Lord is using to humble his children that they might listen to his missionaries, and hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the time to be bold and urgent in declaring the Lord's message to everyone. Always remember our purpose as missionaries is to invite and help people come unto Christ. Do not fear or shy away from regular missionary work every day. I promise you will feel the Lord blessing you as you go forward with Faith!! I have been asked about missionaries using church buildings. Even though we are not holding sacrament meetings you may continue to use church buildings in the same way as you have always done. 

         Here is the latest corona virus instruction:  First thing Monday morning go to the grocery store and purchase items that you may use in the unfortunate case you are quarantined for a two week period or more. We have asked you to do this earlier and now we are insisting that you go and do it. Purchase items such as: canned soup, ramen noodles, pasta, tuna fish, beef jerky, canned fruit, pancake mix and other non food items needed. The mission will put $15.00 additional dollars on each missionaries card tomorrow. This is the amount you are authorized to spend. The funds will not be available until Tuesday but you should have your Bi-monthly funding that can be used on Monday.

       We are so grateful that missionary work continues. There were 4 Baptisms in our mission this week.
Columbus Zone:
        Noelia Lopea  -  Taught by the Franklin 1 Sisters
        Johnny Jones -   Taught by the Scioto Elders & Sisters 
Columbus East Zone:
        AJ Williams  -      Taught by the Newark Sisters
Youngstown Zone:
       Wilfredo Vargus-Sanchez  -  Taught by the Ashtabula Sisters

        We expect to receive direction for sacrament meeting attendance this week. I will let you know as soon as I find out. We will continue with interviews via zoom this week. We look forward to being with you. Let's all show our Heavenly Father that we love Him and trust Him by being obedient to mission standards and diligent and urgent in the work.

       We Love you and are so grateful to be serving with you.

       Sending our Love,  President & Sister Stratford

Saturday, March 14, 2020

President Stratford's Letter to Mission Parents

Mar 14, 2020

To all parents with missionaries serving in the Ohio Columbus Mission:

The health and safety of our missionaries remains our number one concern.  We continue to carefully monitor the spread of the COVID-19 virus across our mission.  To date there are 13 confirmed cases in Ohio and we expect that number to increase in the coming weeks.  We have implemented several measures designed to protect our missionaries from the spread of the Coronavirus.

Each missionary has received a supply of hand sanitizer and we have counseled our missionaries to wash their hands often with soap and water and apply hand sanitizer after each contact.

Until further notice, missionaries are not allowed to shake hands or hug anyone no matter how socially acceptable it may be.  No exceptions ever!

Missionaries with compromised immune system such as Diabetes, Crohn's or Lupus, have been instructed to limit their contact with people they do not know and carefully monitor any change in symptoms.

Missionaries have been provided extra funds and instructed to purchase a 14-day supply of food and other staples in the unfortunate event that they are asked to be quarantined in their apartments.

Missionaries are asked to report all symptoms to our mission nurse so they can receive treatment.

We have adjusted some of our proselyting areas due to the school closures.  Specifically, missionaries serving on our college campuses have been redirected or reassigned.  We will continue to adjust as required by the current conditions.

We are confident our missionaries are safe and have adequate supplies of food and other items.  We expect them to continue to follow a normal daily schedule applying the measures outlined.  We are humbled and grateful to be serving with your child as we assist the Apostles in taking the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people in Ohio.  If you have a specific concern, please feel free to reach out to me.

Warmest Regards,

President & Sister Stratford
Ohio Columbus Mission

Monday, March 9, 2020

Sunny Days

I hope it is starting to be good weather there, and that everyone is staying healthy :)

Update on the coronavirus out here: Elder Bankhead (mission area doctor for Northeast America) came to our zone conference last week and told us to please be washing hands, and taking good medicine and eating right. President Stratford then called a mission wide call on Friday night and said that so far there have been no cases of the coronavirus in Ohio, but Pennsylvania has had 2 or 3 cases of it this last week. He said he was putting 10 extra dollars on the MSF funds so we can get good food if it so happened that we did have to be quarantined or if the stores were flocked by people, which sounds like is already happening in some places. I'm doing great. I continue to take Immune Stimulator and Colostrum every morning along with Colloidal Silver, and I workout everyday. Elder Bankhead even said he was super impressed with how dedicated I am to physical health (more on that story in a few min). How is Utah doing with it? Are you all of you guys staying healthy?

This week was a very great week! It seemed to just fly by and brought with it lots of learning and lots of blessings and lots of happiness. Isn't it so cool what we can do and learn in such a short period of time.

Tuesday we had training visits with the Polaris Elders here in Lewis Center. Elder Jones is the district leader this transfer. I went with Elder Jones that day and we had a pretty great day, I'd say. We shared 2 scriptures at 2 random peoples houses, we found 3 new people, and we had 5 lessons! We had also made it a goal to pet 10 dogs while we were out, haha ya know, just to keep it interesting ;) We did in fact pet 10 dogs that day. It rained on us all day, but it felt so nice. Apparently there was massive tornadoes in Tennessee last week, so I think Tuesdays weather was the aftermath of what happened down south.

Wednesday was long but so good! It started with, I got up at 5 am to be at the Olson house by 5:50 for 6 am seminary. Me and Elder Marler taught seminary that day and it was a ton of fun! We taught on 2 Nephi 32, "Feasting on the Words of Christ". I explained how we needed to be as motivated in the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we were with our personal items/interests (sports, reading, drawing, singing, etc). It went super good! There is about 10 people that attend the seminary class everyday. We then left for Zone Conference at 8 am. Polaris drove us to it, and it was at the Galloway bldg, about an hour south from Lewis Center. It was a fun little road trip!

Zone conference was so amazing. I found out that President Stratford has Bell's Palsy and it comes to him every so often. It decided to make an appearance last week, and when I saw him on Wednesday the left side of his face was paralyzed. But he still stood up and spoke and did a great job on teaching and training all the missionaries. We got trained on how we can be master teachers and why it's so vitally crucial and important to be immersed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and how to just have a normal conversation with people and talk with everyone. We got invited by President Ballard a few weeks ago to talk to at least 10 people everyday, so that has been fun to do and it's always so cool to see people's reactions when I say hi to them and ask them how their day is going. Talking with people is the best! :)

Alright now to the exciting part of zone conference, which was kind of nerve wracking at first.😁 So I'm sitting in the pew listening to the Stratfords talk, and all of a sudden I get this stabbing pain in the left side of my chest, and then my head gets super nauseous, and my whole left side of my arm goes numb. I didn't think too much of it at first, these were things that came to me when I ran cross country in high school. After 5 or 6 min, the pain was still there and I still couldn't feel my left arm. I got up from where I was sitting and went to talk to Sister Stratford and Elder Bankhead. Elder Bankhead took me outside and felt my pulse, and asked me a few questions. I then explained to him that I do workout everyday, and I have drink mixes that I take. We had a good conversation and then he said he would check on me later. The next 5 or 6 hours the pain was still there, and I said a quick prayer and then by 3:30 when I left Galloway, the pain had subsided enough to be okay, and then gradually got better the rest of the night. The adventures that happen in the span of 24 hours is adventurous to say the least.

Thursday we were at the Olsons at 5:50 again for Seminary and it was super great! We learned about how we can be praying more to Heavenly Father and how important it is to be consciously looking to Him for answers. Later that day we went up to the North part of the area and walked around for a few hours knocking on doors. We found 1 new person, she is Hindu, and so so kind. It was fun to do the survey with her and find out her basic beliefs and background knowledge. We then had 2 member lessons that night. One was with the Nelson family and one was with the Smith family. We shared the Book of Mormon video of Lehi's vision with them. It was so much fun to watch it and then talk about how we can all be "holding firm and tight to the iron rod". The Nelson kids loved the video a lot.

Friday was raining and windy and wet, and a ton of fun. We went walking, so thankfully I remembered my beanie. We found 2 new people and were able to truly testify of Jesus Christ and that He is there for us in every aspect of our lives. We got yelled at by one guy who told us to not go soliciting to HIS neighborhood and his house more specifically. I decided to be bold with him, and I said that we weren't soliciting and to not worry about what we were doing, and told him to have a nice day and waved at him :). He just shrugged us off and drove off. Friday night we had weekly planning at the church and then had a lesson with the Bessingers (members) in Sunbury. We watched the Ask of God video and challenged them to share their testimonies this week and strive everyday to come closer to our Savior. The little daughter gave us Girl Scout cookies, so that was part of my dinner that night.

Saturday was fabulous because it was sunny AND warm! We went up to Sunbury with Ethan Cornelious. Ethan is about to submit his mission papers so it was fun to go visit members and have lessons with him. We had one lesson with a lady named Karen. She isn't a member, so we called her and went and taught her about Helaman 5:12 and how she can have a firm and steady foundation. We met with my amazing friend John Russell. And super sad, but Abdul is no longer working for John so we wont be able to teach him anymore because he lives in Franklin county, which is like 2 hrs away. Keep praying for him. We had a great lesson with John and he gave all of us some great laughs. Then we went over to Brother and Sister Mathis' (members) house, and Sister Mathis had us fix 2 of her door knobs, break down about 30 boxes on her driveway, and then we shared Mosiah 2:17 with her and I was able to share the importance of service to others. When I shared it with her, I realized just how much I've been able to change myself lately. I love that I can help people out without getting anything in return, and I love being able to be able to offer my help to others. Overall, super great day!

Sunday was amazing and I literally thought it was summer today! The sun was out, there was fresh air (as much as their can be in a humid climate :)), it was a great day! In Elders quorum I learned about the importance of the Priesthood and how we must always be ready and able AND willing to run an errand; just like Tom Monson says when he runs the errand to his friend in the hospital 😉 I had correlation after church with Brother Walker for missionary efforts in the ward. Then we went and helped Brother Owen's move a desk out of his office and helped him lift a bed and a dresser down 2 flights of stairs to his office so his mom could have a room to sleep in. Then we went to the Worths and the Edgsons house for lessons on the Ask of God video and how they can be Hearing Jesus Christ in their own lives; just as President Nelson asked all of us to do a few weeks ago. We had a lesson with the Prisbrey family as well that night. We taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ/Chapter 3 in Preach my Gospel. It was super great and the spirit was felt there.

Fun story from Sunday . . . Lola K has a new best friend 🧡. So we were at the Worth house and they have a 5 yr old daughter named Lauren. She was all dressed up in a dress and she said she was Auna from Frozen. I smiled and then told her my 2 yr old niece loves Frozen. Lauren got really really excited. I turned my phone on and showed Lauren the family picture we took before I left, and showed her a picture of Lola. Lauren turned to me and then turned to her mom and said very excitedly, "Mom, Lola would be my very best friend!" Ah it melted my heart! :)

I had a very great and amazing week! And as I am sitting here writing this email, I'm seeing just how much my testimony has grown. Being a missionary definitely isn't the easiest thing I have ever done; there have been days that different things get to me, and then I think about the Atonement and the role it has played in my life. Jesus Christ died for me, and for all of us. He suffered alone so that we wouldn't have to suffer alone. He is by our side, and He truly is our "lifeguard that walks on water".

The invitation I wanted to do this week is something I know will bless all of us, and something that Heavenly Father is always desiring us to do. The invite is this: To find continual ways to strengthen our relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ.
- Temple attendance
- Church attendance and partaking of the Sacrament
- Daily scriptures and Prayer
- Service

And so much more. I'm so grateful we have the chance to be a little better than we were the day before and to always be striving to be our best self everyday.

I saw SHHS baseball won their tournament down in St. George this weekend! Super cool and I'm cheering for them this year :) Term 4 is almost upon us, you guys ready for summertime? :);)

I miss all of you oh so very much :)❤ I love you all and I pray for you so so much. I'm very grateful for your examples to me and for the love and support you show me.

I love you forever and always!
Elder Dylan McEwan

2 Nephi 4: 18-20, 32-35 -- Some of the scriptures I read in Personal study this week, they are so so cool to read :)

Monday, March 2, 2020


This week felt like it absolutely flew by! And day light savings is this next week on Sunday, which means to bounce all of our clocks ahead one hour, and one less hour of sleep.

Tuesday was a great day! We went and helped Elder Weidman at the storage sheds over in Powell and helped him to organize all of the furniture and shelves so that you could actually walk into the shed without tripping over something. Elder Weidman took us to Dairy Queen afterwards for lunch; and man, I didn't realize how much I had missed having a hamburger with fries, and a Mint Oreo milkshake. That very much satisfied my day ;). Me and Elder Marler went on knocking on doors in the afternoon, and we were able to find 2 new people! Hip hip, hooray :) There names are Brian and Praveen. Brian lives with his parents and is in the military. Praveen has a super young family, and is so so nice to us. It also rained on us all day long, which made it for an adventure. At night, we set up appointments for Saturday to go teach a few member families.

Wednesday we had District Council at the Powell bldg. I gave a training on "True Disciples of Jesus Christ" - Elder Vincen. I did an activity where I had 2 sandwich bags and I had cut a corner on one of the bags, and left the other bag sealed. I then had an elder pour rocks into both bags, and afterwards showed everyone and taught everyone how important it is to make sure we don't have any "holes in our bags". Meaning, are we effectively planning each day to fulfill everything Heavenly Father wants us to during the day. It was a super great training, and when I give trainings now, it just reminds me how much I love doing them and how much I learn from preparing for them. We went up to Sunbury in the afternoon and went to John Russell's house. We started talking with Abdul about prayer and the different "types" of prayer there is. The conversation led to priesthood blessings and I felt prompted to ask Abdul if we could give him a blessing, and then explained to him what a priesthood blessing was. As I placed my hands on his head, and said the blessing, I felt calm reassurance that he would find the truth. We also put Abdul on a Pre Baptismal date!!!!! He said he knows the church and Book of Mormon are true. He just needs to ask his wife if he can get baptized because he said he is a family man, which is even better :) Please keep Abdul in your prayers that he will want to be baptized. We also taught Brother and Sister Mathis. We taught them about 1 Nephi 3:7, and how sometimes the Lord asks hard things of us, but always provides a way for us to accomplish the task. They gave us hot pockets and ginger ale for dinner.

Thursday was freezing 😁🥶 I don't know if I have said this about Ohio or not, but the weather can't quite seem to make up its mind. Its freezing at 5 am and by 8 am, its 55 degrees, to be 45 degrees by night time. We found another new person that day! Her name is Angelica and she is super nice and said she believes in religion and wants to know more about what we share to people. She is awesome! We went over and had a quick doorstep lesson with the Edgsons, their dad wasn't home so we couldn't go in sadly, but I shared Enos 1 with them and invited them to make their prayers sincere and meaningful. In the afternoon, we went over to the Gornichecs and helped Brother Gornichec sand his shelves and drawers. We were over there from about 4 to 7 pm. I was pretty sore when I got to the apt that night. Service is awesome and I love it!

Friday was very wonderful! :) President M. Russell Ballard spoke to the whole Ohio Columbus Mission, via video call from his office in Salt Lake City. All 185 missionaries met at the Dublin bldg for the video call. He is such a cool guy! He spoke on "being more bold, more confident in ourselves to share the Gospel with everyone, and to strive constantly to have the guidance of the Holy Ghost with us as we talk with people." And then as he was finishing up his call, he had all of us stand up, put our hands up, and then he "shook our hands" through the video camera and told us to write in our journals that we had shook President Ballards hands :). It was a ton of fun to see all of my past companions, as well as the missionaries who came out with me in my travel group. I also saw Sister Aubrey Tasker, so that was fun to talk with her for a few minutes. That afternoon, we found another new person. Her name is Laura and she has another church she goes to over in Polaris, but said she would pray to know if she should have us come back to talk with her. Super cool lady! We went to Jersey Mike's for dinner. I had a gift card so I was like, "Hey, why not. It's a Friday ;)".

Saturday was energetic, like hopping energetic. We had 5 member missionary visits with 5 different member families, and we had a lesson with Praveen and talked with him about the Restoration and what it means to us to have God's light and truth here upon the earth. I felt really good by the time we got to the apartment that night. I love being able to talk with people and meet new people, and hear their life story. We also went to the trailer park and quickly knocked on a few former's doors, and were able to delete their dots because most of them have now moved to somewhere else.

Sunday was super super great! It was Fast Sunday, and I always love Fast Sundays because I love listening to everyone's testimony. We went to 4 members houses after church and had lessons with them. We went to the Blackhams, and we had chips and salsa before the lesson and man, chips and salsa have never tasted so great. Also . . . Cool fact! Sister Blackham is 1st cousins with Katherine Sorensen (Karter's and Khristian's mom). Sister Blackham said Sorensens come and stay with them here when they come out for baseball tourneys. We went to the Corenlius', Walkers, and Elder and Sister Weidmans. We taught all of them about the first vision and watched the video called, Ask of God. Super cool video, I encourage all of us to go and watch it before General Conference. We had squash, meatballs, and strawberries at the Weidmans.

On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings this week, we are going to seminary at the Olson house. That's where Lewis Center ward has their seminary everyday. It's at 6 am, and Brother Olson said he might have us teach one of those 3 days. So that'll be super fun! It's very weird to not only be having seminary at a members house, but to have it be early morning seminary. I'm so used to 12 or 1 pm seminary in a bldg right across the road from the high school. Guess I'm not in Utah anymore ;).

Zone Conference is this week on Wednesday. It's at the Galloway bldg, so that should be super fun. We are exercising again this zone conference. I'm taking a pair of clothes to change into this time :).

I had a very great week. I am able to realize more and more every day, how I can use my voice to persuade people by the Spirit to what I'm trying to tell them. Elder Marler turned to me on Friday last week and said, "Elder McEwan, How do you do it everyday? You literally talk with everyone you see and you're not afraid to approach someone." I love talking with people, and I have felt my confidence in myself continually growing more and more everyday to be brave, and to most of all, be myself.

The challenge and invitation I was thinking of this week is one that I know will bless all of our lives. It is this, "Everyday when we say our prayers, pray to speak WITH God, and have a conversation with him. Pray for greater strength, greater knowledge and understanding." I know we will be given Heavenly Fathers guidance and love as we do so.

My testimony has grown so so much lately. I know this Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I get to share it with people everyday, and I stand firm for what I believe in, even if those people try to persuade me to think or do otherwise. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is on the earth, and is the only true and living church. I know Jesus Christ lives and is our Savior.

I saw Salem girls basketball lost in the quarterfinals, but super cool they made it that far. BYU is on a hot streak, I'm rooting for them to go far this year :).

I miss you guys, so much ❤ I'm very grateful for all of you and for everything you do for me, and the love and support you give to me. I'm so blessed to have all of you in my life :).

I love you forever and always 💙
Elder Dylan

Post Return

As you have left your mission and "family" in the Ohio Columbus Mission and returned to your home and family in Salem, Utah, you h...