Monday, July 27, 2020

Prayers ARE Answered

Crazy to think that I have now been out on my mission for ALL and every single holiday there is. Even more crazy to think that I will hit my 1 year mark on the mission in just 18 short days. Kind of surreal now, and amazing how fast time is flying! I hope you guys are having fun up in Millville too this week, tell everyone I say hi.

So, in correlation and regards to the title of this email, you probably guessed it . . . We received word late Tuesday night from President Horgesheimer that all 19 missions in the North America Northeast, have ALL been approved to come out of self isolation/quarantine, and to resume all missionary efforts outside. We have been asked to still social distance of 6 feet, and to wear our masks outside. We can only have lessons with people who we have a schedule appt for, and we can not go tracting at this time. We can do service projects that have been approved by President Horgesheimer, and the area presidency. So, it was definately a tender mercy and a miracle that after 127 days, we are now allowed outside to do stuff, and to be amongst people, and really just to kind of have more ability to be sociable with people (that's my favorite part 😁). 

We had in person district council for the first time on Wednesday morning in over 4 1/2 months! It was so fun! We all wore our masks, and it was a party! I gave a training on: "The Atonement of Christ, and how we can apply it into our life." It went really well, and everyone said I did a good job at it. Dad, I used part of your talk that you gave last week and had sent to me. It was a great and big help for me to have and use. After district council, it was so much fun to be able to call you guys for Dad's birthday that day! We went out and talked to people for about an hour, and were able to give away 1 pamphlet on The Restoration to a guy we met. Then, we had 2 lessons with 2 member families (one of which brought us pizza), and that was a fun time! 

Thursday was Elder Johnson's birthday, so it was a fun day! We also were very blessed to have the chance to do a zoom call with Elder D. Todd Christopherson of the quorum of the 12 apostles. It was so good! We talked about how we can best be using the resources we have been given to do missionary work, and how that relates to David and his 5 small stones to defeat Goliath. And how important it is for us to be bold and confident and genuine in every conversation we have with people to show them good examples of who Jesus Christ is. We then went over to the church for a little bit, and that was a ton of fun :) Afterwards, we came back to the apt and he called his family, and so I started cleaning the apt and I did my laundry. It was really satisfying, and now the apt is super clean. Then, that night we went up to Akron to Outback Steakhouse for Elder Johnson's birthday. We had a zoom lesson with Sister McCoy who was baptized 3 months ago, and it was so good! The dinner was so good, I had a bloomin burger and wow it was delicious.

Friday, we got up and did some calling and texting of people in the area and set some lessons up for the coming days. We went to the church and did some things over there, and then we went on a 2 hr walk and found a couple who had just moved here to Ohio 3 weeks ago because their previous house in Oregon burned down. We gave them a picture of Christ with our names and number on the back, so super positive experience from that. We had a zoom call that night with the zone leaders and sister training leaders, about service and how we are to go about doing planning sessions each day going forward. 

Saturday, we left the apt at about 8:15 in the morning and drove over to Canton to the elders apt there. They have a baptism tomorrow and so we gave their person a baptismal interview (since E. Johnson is the DL). We did a mini training visit with them, went to arby's for lunch (their ward had given them some gift cards so we used those). Then, me and Elder Draper walked for about 2 1/2 hours in Canton and talked with people. I also got super sunburned on my face and my neck, and was very dehydrated afterwards. They have pretty much shut off all the drinking fountains in parks, and they have turned them off in all church bldgs here in Ohio, because of germs and not wanting to spread anything else. So I had no drink, so we made a quick stop at Rite Aid and I got a drink there, much needed. We got back to Wadsworth at about 7-ish that night, and we got changed into different clothes, and went over to the park where a few kids were waiting for us who had invited us to come play sand volleyball with them that night. So, we played volleyball with them for about an hour and a half. I was kind of rusty at sand volleyball, since I haven't really played since before senior year, but it was fun and I made some good dives and had a good time. Then, we went to an ice cream place and got some ice cream and went back to the apt. Overall, great day!

Sunday, we found out on Friday night from President and Sister Horgesheimer that one of the missionaries here (Elder Bosworth), his dad had a super scary head accident on Thursday this week. His family lives in Logan, and his dad is a stake President up there and owns a very big furniture store there. Apparently, something went wrong at work on Thursday and he had something happen to him. He is now currently sedated in the Ogden Hospital. Elder Bosworth has about 40-ish days left before he is scheduled to return home anyway. We held a mission wide fast for the Bosworth family, hoping his dad is able to recover quickly. Keep them in our prayers ❤ We did the sacrament and had a great day today!

It was a very good week! For many reasons, and on Tuesday during interviews I actually asked President Horgesheimer to give me a blessing, and so he did. I have a very strong belief on the power of the Priesthood and what it does to us as we call down the powers of Heaven. I have been thinking alot about what I have learned this last year now on my mission, and these are some things I thought of:

- To work hard no matter what, everyday

- Look to the past, to prepare for future

- Love and forgiveness is key to all happiness in life. A loving heart can mend and heal hearts any day of the week ❤

I know that the Atonement is real and that when we use it in our life, we can be helped and strengthened and healed in every part of our life. I have been stretched far beyond what I intended to be out here on the mission. I have learned things, met people, and done things that I know will bless me and impact me for the rest of my life. It is a huge incredible happiness that I feel everyday. Not because I am a missionary, not because I am in Ohio right now. But, I feel a huge happiness inside of me because of the person I have become (at least, the person I hope I have become 😉) on my mission this last year. I'm grateful for these experiences that I have had here, and to trust my Savior Jesus Christ. I'm grateful for the gift of love and hope, and for what those 2 things have helped me to do in my life and as I reach out to help other people around me. 

I still haven't been to church in about 5 months now, it's been good to have it here at the apt each week. Exciting that school starts soon (even if its online ;)). I'm so grateful for all of you guys, for the letters and pictures and packages I get from you all. You all are truly examples to me of awesomeness, and I'm grateful to have you all in my life❤ That's something I have loved being able to do on my mission, is talk and teach about families and the importance of them. I always get so happy when I get asked the question of: "Do you really believe that families can be together forever?" And I respond with, "I believe with all of my heart that families can and will be together forever, through temple blessings and covenants made". I'm forever grateful for the promises and the covenants we have all made to be a forever and eternal family, and through righteous living and faithfulness to our promises made, we will all be together for eternity. And I love that more than everything and anything else ❤❤

Also, transfers are next week on Thursday August 6th, and so Pday will be next week on Wednesday August 5th. 

I miss you guys, and I pray for you daily.

I love you forever and always,

Elder Dylan McEwan

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Phase 1 Information from the Church

Hey Elders & Sisters, 

Here is the information we have about Phase 1 in our mission. We are so grateful it's here! Hopefully you've been taking advantage of it already! Just remember Jacob 6:12 :)

Any exceptions to the following Phase 1 guidelines requires Area Presidency approval.

Facemasks required anytime a companionship is within 6 feet or 2 meters of anyone else.

Exercise is permitted outside, but no team or contact sports, and masks must be worn if within two meters or 6 feet of others.

Districts getting together to recreate or exercise each morning or each day is strongly discouraged. 

Infrequent district gatherings for an hour or two could be approved on a preparation day at the mission president’s discretion and direction.

Care for Preparation Day needs outside the apartment using masks is approved, as a companionship.

Participating in daytime exchanges is approved - missionaries from two different companionships should wear masks when not six feet/ 2 meters apart. 24 hour exchanges should only occur when absolutely necessary due to extreme travel distances, as an exception.

Providing service with approved organizations is permitted as outlined in previous communications.

Continue using technology to find, and teach when in person lessons are not possible.

Missionaries may meet in person only with people who are not high risk (based on age and health conditions) keeping two meters (6 feet) apart and using masks.

Careful consideration should be given to teach in meetinghouses rather than in homes, given that strict social distancing can occur in larger meetinghouse rooms. Cleaning/disinfecting should occur after each lesson. 

In person mission meetings may occur, with strict precautions, including social distancing. Maximum attendance is 25 per zone conference or meeting. Please do not have meals or allow missionaries to hang out before or after meetings.   

In person missionary interviews my continue with same guidelines. Do not permit missionaries to congregate before or after interviews, inside or outside the meetinghouse.

Hopefully this information helps out. Let us know what questions you have! It's a great day to be a missionary!

- Elders Sears & Foster

Monday, July 20, 2020

July 24 and a Birthday . . . An Exciting Week

How are you all doing? What were some of the fun adventures you guys were able to go on this week? It looked like Lola K's dance review via video was so much fun on Friday, and I'm so so happy she has gotten the chance to do that this last year, so proud of my little monkey 🙈🐵 Have so much fun up in Millville too when you guys go up this month.

Dad -- Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear dad (on the 22nd 😉), Happy birthday to you! I hope you have such a very fun filled and exciting day!🥳🥳 I'm so grateful for you in everyway and for your example to me! Thank you for being the world's greatest dad!

Happy Happy 24th of July on Friday too!! Make sure you guys do bottle rockets! ;) 🚀

I have gotten my workout routine down to a T now, and honestly I am in the best shape of my life! All the missionaries always say, "Elder McEwan, how do you have the energy and stamina to workout everyday?" I smile and say, "Because if I'm not first than I'm last, and I can't be last cuz then I'll be walking home"😉 Its been fun, and I feel stronger everyday.

Well it started as a very very adrenaline filled week on Tuesday morning. So I'm getting ready for the day, and I walked out onto the deck and was just looking around when all of a sudden, an SUV flips into the parking lot and pulls up to this other car, the lady of the SUV gets out and runs towards another guy in the other car, and shoves him up against the brick wall and stars attacking him and throwing punches. Then she goes after another guy in the car too with punches and is yelling super super loud. Apparently, the lady was a mom of one of the girls in the car and they were doing drugs and she was very upset and decided to take matters into her own hands about it. The small car drove off quickly and the lady got her daughter and drove off too. And that is how I started my week off :).

Then, me and Elder Johnson went shopping on Wednesday to Walmart and I also got a haircut at Great Clips, and my head feels so much better -- it has gotten pretty hot and muggy here. While we were at Walmart, we had finished up our shopping and were at the self check outs paying for our food, and we had asked the lady there if we could do cash back (we needed cash to do our laundry), and she said that "Walmart is running out of money, and so they aren't doing cash back right now because they're not getting enough cash (money) in return." So that was intriguing to hear! :) 

We had zone conference this week on Wednesday morning via zoom call, and it was super good! Something that stood out to me was: What we are doing to petition for Heaven to send us the blessings we need in any given circumstance or part of our life that we may be in. I thought that was pretty cool, because it truly exemplifies that we can ask Heavenly Father for help and we can ask Him to bless us as we go through life. It is kind of like when we did swimming lessons when we were younger, and we got a blue gummy shark everytime we passed a level or swam a certain distance or time. The same thing is true for blessings from Heaven. They come as we complete or work hard to accomplish our goals and tasks each day. President Nelson sums it up pretty well: The Lord loves effort, because effort brings happiness, and happiness brings blessings.

I have been thinking about the last 13 months of my life, and started my job as temple worker at the Payson temple 13 months ago, to entering the Provo MTC a little over 11 months ago now. I remember starting my first shift as temple worker in June 2019, and having so much peace and so much happiness as I was inside that morning. It wasn't just the peace either, it was the comfort and the knowledge of knowing that I was right where I needed to be. This is something that has helped me out here in Ohio, especially lately with being inside for a while now. I have felt so much peace and comfort the last few weeks as I have seen Heavenly Father stretch me far beyond what I thought I could be stretched. I have seen myself grow in patience and love towards others, and I have seen myself being stronger in Jesus Christ to rely on Him in every aspect of my life. I have found myself doing this more lately, but I have been reflecting on my time in the MTC and how that impacted my life. I remember a day while I was at the MTC that I was just having a really hard time. It was about my 5th or 6th day at the MTC, and me and my comp (Elder Cowdell) were really stressed because we had just missed our lesson for the day. As we were walking back, I felt a prompting to go to a quiet place and I wasn't sure why, but we went to the 5th floor of one of the classroom bldgs, and we both just prayed and prayed for guidance and for direction. I have felt myself doing that more and more these last few days. This last week, I found myself on my knees more often than not, praying to Heavenly Father. Of this I know, our Heavenly Father loves and cares so mightily about each of us. He prepares us long long before we are asked to do something. Trust Him, and if we can't believe 100 percent fully, then go with the "20 or 30 or 55 percent" of faith that we do have, and let Jesus Christ make up the rest through His atoning sacrifice for each of us!

That is my testimony and I'm so forever grateful for it. I have said this every week, but I wanted to share it again -- On April 16, 2019 I did not know or think in my wildest dreams that I would be going on 126 days now inside of the apt and trying to be a missionary and serve the people of Ohio. But, I did know then as much as I know now, that the Lord's work will roll forth to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. He is God, and He is in control. We may not have the solution or the answer to every thing we do in this life, but I can promise you all with every last ounce of my energy in me -- He knows you, and He has the answer you need at this very given moment. Please, pray to Him and ask Him for that answer, and then do everything you possibly can to recieve it through your faith and experimentation on the knowledge and things we do know.

This is the thing I have learned most over the course of my mission. Is that we can be instruments in the Lord's hands everyday of our life. It makes me happy thinking about some times in my life during jr high and high school that I was able to be an answer to someone's prayer, and help them out. We don't always know the reason we are doing something or start doing something, but I can tell you this -- It matters not the amount of knowledge we know beforehand, but it does matter and it does make all the difference, when we can step up to the starting line with our shoes tied and with a mindset of not giving up.

Lastly, I have been thinking a lot about an experience I had in sophomore year of high school that really has paved the way for me up to this point in my life now 4 years later. It was during fall semester, and I was running cross country and playing football at the same time. I would go to xc practice on Mondays, football practice on Tuesdays, xc race on Wendesdays, football game on Thursdays, xc races on Friday and Saturday -- And I did that every week for 3 months. I remember how tired and stressed I was pretty much everyday, and how sometimes I honestly didn't know how much longer and further I could keep going. And I remember how good it felt when I finished a week with everything, and could relax for a day. I can now relate that to everything going on right now. How overwhelming, stressful, and tiring and confusing this all can be right now. But, I can honestly say from the very uttermost part of my Elder Dylan McEwan mind -- To just believe, and to just go forward and act on what we can do, and in the words of our favorite quote and saying -- BOUNCE BACK. Focus on the things we can control, and move forward past the things we can't control.

Some things I did this week that made me happy:

- Went to the church and watched The Work and The Glory, and it was so good! I hadn't watched it for a while.

- Elder Johnson wanted to check out a music store down the street, so we went on Friday. When we were walking back to the apt we passed a few bldgs that no lie, reminded me of the haunted house and rides at Lagoon and it even had music playing like they do at lagoon! haha it was fun!

- We have interviews tomorrow with President and Sister Horgesheimer. via zoom, so that'll be fun and very much looking forward to a future date when I can be with people in person again. 

I'm so very extremely grateful for all of you, and for your guys examples to me and for always being there for me! Your love and support for me throughout my life means so much and I'm thankful to Heavenly Father everyday that He has given me an All-Star of a family and MVP siblings and ROCKSTAR parents that I can spend the rest of forever with 👊 .

I love and care so so much about you guys, and I'm continually praying for all of you and your health and safety everyday. I'm so excited to talk to everyone today!

I love you guys forever and always 😉

Elder Dylan McEwan

Monday, July 13, 2020

Love to Mom and Dad

Mom and Dad,

I just wanted to say how grateful I am for the both of you and for your examples to me and for your love! You guys both are superheroes in my book, and I'm so glad I was blessed with the best.

I love you guys!

Elder D

11 Months

This week is major milestones! First milestone is that tomorrow (the 14th) is my 11 month mark on the mission. 330 days away from home! 330 days of being in a "foreign land" and talking to people I had never met before! Which is so crazy that it has already been 11 months that I have been here in Ohio and that I've been a missionary! Time sure does fly by in the "blink" of an eye 😉.

Second milestone is that this week on Friday is officially 4 months of being quarantined here in Ohio. Which is crazy, haha cuz I thought it was just going to last like 2 or 3 WEEKS, tops! 🤣 We have not heard anything about getting outside, and Ohio itself has actually had some really big numbers this week of COVID cases. We are averaging about 1,000-1,100 new cases per day now here in Ohio. Crazy stuff!

I've been thinking a lot about my talk that I gave at my farewell talk a year ago now. The topic was: "Why is it so important to pray?" I have been thinking a lot about it because lately, I have found myself on my knees more than I feel that I have ever before prayed in my life. Prayer isn't just for when we wake up in the mornings, it isn't just for when we need help . . . It's for all of those things, and everything in between. Being quarantined for 4 months on my mission now, I have felt some of my loneliest times, I have struggled the most, and have felt down in my life at points; but, I have also felt Heavenly Father blessing me more than I ever could possibly ask for. Take for instance, this weekend on Saturday. We were here at the apt, and I felt a prompting to get down on my knees and say a quick prayer. Then, about 20 min later, we had a member text us and tell us that their freezer had been left open and their meat(roast) needed to be cooked now, so they asked if we could come get some to take back to the apt for our dinner. Then, another member called and said she had chocolate cake that she had made for us. Were these 2 things anything short of a miracle? They were a miracle from Heavenly Father, because we have a loving Heavenly Father who does not ever give up on His children. I have grown an immense testimony and belief about communicating with Heaven. Ask for help, ask for strength. Phillipians 4:13 has been my saving grace lately. God doesn't leave us, and as we call out to Him, He answers back with His love, guidance, and care to help us figure things out.

I also have seen the importance of staying positive, and keeping a cool head in any given circumstance or situation that we may be in. I'm going to be completely honest and say that, these last 4 months have been the most stressful and intense 4 months out of the last 11 months I have been on the mission. There have been days that just were not going my way at all, and there have been days that seemed to be the worst days ever. I was taken back though to something Mr. Peery does at SHHS (Positive in the Present). I started to look at even the small things that I was being blessed with, or just the fact that I was able to make it through the day and that's all that mattered for that day. I have been able to work a lot on the attribute of PATIENCE. And being patient in all things, which also means that I am being humble in all things to accept whatever the Lord has, and to continue to just do my best everyday. I just have seen it so prevalent to stay close to my Savior Jesus Christ, especially now because the future is so unsure and so uncertain. Of this I know to be true though, as long as we all stay on the path heading towards Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, WE. CAN. NOT. FAIL.

Super exciting that you guys will get to go back to church this next Sunday Mom and Dad! Dad, when you give the spiritual message/thought for your mtg you are in charge of, here are some thoughts I have been thinking of that you could share if you wanted to with the group/sacrament mtg you're in charge of conducting. 

Here's my thoughts: Over the last 4 months, we have all as members of the church, experienced things that never before have we experienced. Something that stands out to me, is that we grew our spiritual minds during that time. During quarantine, we couldn't necessarily go to the gym, or some place to workout or to stay active a lot of the time, but God provided a way that we could still exercise our spiritual muscles, and strengthen our testimonies. God doesn't care about how much we know, or that we have been a member our whole life/even just a few short years. All that God cares about, is that everyday when we wake up, we know that we are a child of God, who loves everyone of us the same, and He wants us to trust in Him. There are uncertain times still ahead. President Nelson said it himself. Don't wait to find out for yourself that this Gospel is true. Start NOW, and "please, do it now. Time is running out". That is my testimony, that He is aware of us and He is in the small and simple things of our lives. Don't give up on the Lord, because the Lord hasn't given up on you.

- We have zone conference this week on the 15th, via zoom call. So that should be fun. First one with Pres. and Sister Horgesheimer.

- We had to drive to Medina on Thursday to get the oil on the car changed and to get 2 new front tires. It took about 3 hrs for them to finish it. So we left for the Firestone at 8:45, and then from 9-11:45 while they worked on it, we walked around and went inside of the ACE and grocery store there which was fun! The ACE/grocery store was literally an exact replica of ACE/stokes in Salem! It was a fun little store. Then we went on an hour and a half walk and saw some sweet sweet houses, they were huge! It was a great morning, and we got 2 new tires and an oil change done.

It was a great week overall, and honestly at this point, I've just told myself to look at the things in my life that will keep me being positive and energetic everyday because being in an apt pretty much 95 percent of the time does stuff to the mind 🤔. I am so grateful that I have been blessed with a love and creativity of the outdoors, to go running outside and to get great workouts in, and to go on walks and love whatever I come across on my walks.

How are you guys doing? How is school going for you Parker and Mom? Finals are coming up soon and you're going to do so great Mom! Parker, keep it up on the MA course, you're crushing it buddy. How is life in Salem, Payson, AF, and Millville going? I love seeing all the posts on FB of everyone in their yards. I'm excited to see what the front yard looks like when it's done mom and dad, and s&k, g&m, p&k, I'm excited to see what all of youre yards look like when you finish the projects in them. You guys really are doing so so great, and I'm so proud of all you're doing everyday and every week. 

I miss you guys a lot, and am so grateful for how far we have come in the last 11 months and all of the support you guys have given to me! Thank you so so much. I have the world's best family ever 😁👌.

I love you forever and always!

Elder Dylan

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

New Mission President

We are President and Sister Horgesheimer the new Mission President and Companion of the Ohio Columbus Mission.  We are so exited for the opportunity to work and serve with your son.  He is a fantastic missionary.  

Much Love,  President and Sister Horgesheimer

Monday, July 6, 2020

Broken Bikes, Sunny Days, and Long Beautiful Walks

Garrett: Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear G (on the 9th this week), happy birthday to you! I hope you have a great day man, and know I'm so grateful for you and love you so so much G :).

We are on day 112 of being inside.😂😬 I made the comment to Elder Johnson this week that we have officially made it past a regular and normal 104 days of summer vacation, so that was kind of a cool fact. Honestly though, it is just so much fun for me to be able to get outside and walk around and smell and enjoy the fresh air! I actually quite yearn for it everyday now, especially with it being the middle of summer vacation. It is super hot, humid, muggy, and sticky everyday now. It usually reaches about 90 to 95 degrees everyday now, with about 75 percent humidity. G00d thing I have my trusty short sleeve shirts.

I've been thinking a lot this last week about who I am being everyday, and what I have learned from this experience I've been in now for 4 months. It's actually a question I ask myself pretty regularly to help me gauge who I am being everyday. The question is this: 'If I were called home tomorrow morning and got on the plane tomorrow morning, who would I be?' And as I have asked myself that question, I have realized something more and more these days. A mission truly prepares you for the rest of your life, because of who you're being everyday. These days, I feel like I have been in a 5k run and am just pumping my arms and legs, and trying to finish the race everyday! At the end of each day, I feel exhausted and very tired emotionally, physically, and mentally, but I also feel so much stronger! I feel that good sore that you get after a really good workout, or after you go outside on a hot hot day, and work all day in the yard, and then get to go inside and then go on a nice road trip afterwards. I know that was an interesting analogy, but it explains perfectly how I feel everyday. And just like in the 5k runs, there are many moments during the race when we are out of breathe, and our legs hurt, and quite frankly we want to fall to the ground because of the sweat in our eyes and the headache we have from dehydration. When we feel this, a quote came to my mind this weekend: When we have done all of this, 'the Lord really will endow us with power from Heaven'. He is there for us every step of the way. The finish line is in sight, the fans are cheering everyone on, and we will finish the race, with a PR, because of everything we are being able to do, learn, and experience right now.

I was thinking this week to a time during senior year of high school, that related a lot to an experience I had this week. During senior year, during Homecoming week, when it was super busy and there were events every night, and I had to be in different places everyday to help out with it: The week went successfully and it was a very fun and very rewarding experience to be apart of. Well, this last week I was feeling lots of emotion because of being inside everyday for the last 4 months, and then that one or two moments during the week that we are allowed to go somewhere, it is exciting and kind of wierd/nerve wracking, because I haven't been in a crowd of people now for a hot minute. But, in those times that I have to be somewhere, I see heaven helping me out and strengthening me in those times to be my best self, and to help give me blessings from all around me to who I am in that moment, and in the moments going forward!

I wake up everyday and go on the back porch/deck of the apt, and look at the blue sky and the sun rising, and I tell myself "That today is going to be my best day yet". Back in high school, and actually just all while I was growing up through the years, I always tried to picture the type of missionary I was going to be on my mission, and why I would be that person on the mission. Now, basically 12 months into my mission, I realized something else this last week. Heaven needs each of us and all of our interests, talents and abilities, and our hearts in this great Work of Salvation. He doesn't need everyone to be the same as each other. Imagine if every runner or every player on the field was the same strength size, weight, and mindset and tried to play successfully: They wouldn't do as well. Why someone might ask? Because, a team wins the game when everyone can play their hearts out with everything they each have learned individually and then can bring it to the game when the game stands tall and everyone is needed to be their best! 💯

I just have been thinking a lot about that recently, and how important and essential it is for us not to change because we have to, but learn everyday different plays that we can bring to the game TOGETHER, and can work TOGETHER to win the game and even if we end up losing that game, we did our best and we had fun while at it. We are in the 4th quarter of life right now, and we have to be working TOGETHER to help win the game and ask Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ for help. 

Lastly, I have also realized so so much in recent weeks and months, that we all make mistakes and we all have our times in this life that we struggle and we need time/a break, to re coop, and to re energize our minds and spirits. God doesn't expect us to be perfect. I've seen that on my mission so so much. He wants us to be trying our best everyday and to not be giving up, and to just go a little further the next day than we did the day before. Be ourselves, work together as a team, and play to have fun and to work hard, because this game of life is meant to have smiles, tears, and everything in between 😉

Some things I did this week (the title explains a little about it)

- On Tuesday and Thursday this week, we went over to Wadsworth high school to the track, and I ran while Johnson shot some hoops. I decided I wanted to start doing the speed workouts I would do for track and cross country for some of the workouts. I did: - 1 mile warmup, -7 100 yard wind sprints on the turf, -12 sets of bleachers up and down, and - 4 to 5 100 meter wind sprints on the track. Tuesday I did super good at it and felt amazing! On Thursday I did this same workout and was feeling really great again, and then I was like, "I remember when Blake Adam's had me do 2 workouts in the mornings before senior year. I can push myself here cuz it's just like when Blake had me do different things for my workout". So I finished this 40 to 45 min workout and then told myself I was going to finish the day on a high notes and RACE a 400 meter. I haven't raced a 400 meter since May 17, 2019. 😬😂 So I started racing, and made it about 350 meters and then the last 50 meters were so hard. I finished the 400, went to the grass and threw up for like 5 min (gross I know right 😉). But I felt so good and I ran about a 60 second 400 without having raced in over a year and with tennis shoes and no spikes.

- Tuesday afternoon we took a Book of Mormon to a lady who wanted it who lies a few miles south of here. We took our bikes because it was so sunny! We made it there, made the hand off, and started back towards the apt. Johnson was about 50 yds ahead of me, and all of a sudden, "Whack!", my chain on my bike broke and I fell off. I called to Johnson but he was too far away. So I walked my bike by myself along the road (haha literally like main street road in Mona by the lavender fields), and walked by myself for about 30 min. Johnson came back and felt so bad about leaving me, and then we just walked the bikes back to the apt and by that time were so hot and sweaty and tired but a fabulous time none the less.

- Thursday we went on a walk/drive to Rittman high school about 20 min away. We got there and there was a baseball tournament going on. So we stopped and watched for a while. This lady came up and said she had noticed us, and told us she was a member from the Cleveland ward and was watching her son play that day. We talked for about 45 min, and then she payed for us to go to lunch after that. So I got dairy queen.

- We had interviews on Saturday with President and Sister Horgesheimer up at the Talmadge bldg. We got to meet them and they are such such nice people and so fun and energetic! It will be fun to get to know them more as time goes on. They are about mom and dads age.

Also, you guys if you haven't already, go check out the facebook page for this zone (Akron zone). It's called, The Church of Jesus Christ in the Greater Akron area. Since me and Johnson are the tech specialists for the zone, we post everyday on that page, and so it's been fun to be creative and involve everyone in it. President and Sister Horgesheimer actually texted us yesterday morning while we were getting ready for the day, and told us that they have loved seeing the posts that we both post everyday on our individual FB accounts and the zone page. And to keep up the great work! That was fun to hear from them about it.

Sorry this email is long long this week but it was so much fun to tell you guys everything! In the end, I know Jesus Christ lives and is our Savior and our Redeemer. He is with us every step of the way as we walk this path called life. I invite us to pray to Heavenly Father and ask Him to help us everyday of our lives. He is our coach, and when we ask Him what play we can run, He walks onto the field with us and will be by our side throughout eternity. When the game stands tall, we know what side of the fence we are on. I love this Gospel and I love my family! I love my loved ones at home, and I'm so grateful for all of you!

I saw Salem days is cancelled for this year but that's good though they can do that to hopefully stop the spread in Utah county more. School starts in like a little over a month which is so crazy!

I pray for all of you guys every day, multiple times each day. I miss you guys so so much, and I'm so grateful we get to talk each week! I love talking to you!

I'm so excited for today and to hear about all of your adventures!

I love you forever and always,

Elder Dylan

Post Return

As you have left your mission and "family" in the Ohio Columbus Mission and returned to your home and family in Salem, Utah, you h...