Monday, November 4, 2019

Zone Conference, Halloween, & Snow

Hi everyone,

This week flew by and I am so very excited to tell you all about it.

On Monday night we had empty nesters, and we had 3 less active members show up and I was so so happy to see them! We had some tasty food too hah :) We went to Walmart after dinner and I got
some boots so that my feet don't get cold this winter.

Tuesday was zone conference down in Talmadge and we got a new car as well, so we drove the Malibu down and had the zone conference and picked up our Toyota Rav4 and drove it back to Chardon. Zone conference was so amazing! We learned how to be better consecrated missionaries, and how we need to leave everything we possess on the altar of sacrifice and commit wholeheartedly to serve the Lord. I also went to the train your trainer mtg after the conference, and me and 3 other missionaries were there who came out with me. We met with President and were able to discuss how we are doing and if we are ready to not be with our trainers in 3 weeks (its weird to think about). Sometimes I feel like I'm doing great and able to lead each day, but other days I think that is not the case, so I really am doing my best and striving to learn as much as I can everyday so that I will be always ready to lead.
Traded in the Malibu for a Rav4

Wednesday was a great day. We went over to Brother Hartman's and did service for him. We helped him with his dad's bedroom again and just cleaned up a lot of his house. In the afternoon we went to many people's houses trying to see if they are still interested in our message after the missionaries before us made contact with them. Sadly all of them said either no or come back in 6 months and we will talk. So we just keep having faith and praying for them :)

Thursday was Halloween! :) It rained, and rained, and rained, and then at night . . . It snowed! We were inside during the morning because it was wet and we were short on miles with it being the 31st. We got a call from Brother and Sister Wheeler saying they needed help moving, so we went over to their house and helped them clean their floors and tubs and counters (they moved actually on Saturday. We went to 3 people afterwards who we really wanted to talk to, and there was no answer. But, it was Halloween so we gave those people the benefit of the doubt. We went to the Burton Fair Halloween party in the night and had donuts and pizza and hot dogs, it was so delicious :). We got back to the apt that night and it was so very windy and the house was shaking, and it felt like we were in the Wizard of Oz getting blown to Oz.

We woke up on Friday morning and I looked outside and turned to Henshaw and said, "Elder, we aren't in Ohio anymore." The wind was that bad, but fortunately we were still in the apt and apt was still attached to the ground :). We got up and went to Hartman's and there was 6 inches of snow, good compared to the couple of feet you guys got last week. We helped Brother Hartman clean his laundry room and I had to put his dryer back together because the tube behind it broke off so I was half hanging down the backside of the dryer with no light trying to fix it . . . it was a sight! We helped a guy named Billy Morrison move on Friday night for about 2 hrs, and lifted a ton of couches and TVs and dressers down 2 flights of stairs at his old house and up 3 flights of stairs at his new place. That was my 2nd workout of the day ;).

Saturday morning we went and helped the Wheelers move, and they live on the 2nd floor of their house. So we walked up and down the 2 story house for 2 hrs, and they had some great and spacious couches, and bed, and boxes. It was a good time though and they really appreciated our help. We went to go visit Cynthia in the afternoon but she said she was busy making bread, and she said we could come back later to do some service and shovel snow. So we will hold her to it. We also took a bible to Dwayne French because he wanted one and said he needed the big copy because his sight is bad, so we got him a big copy. We had dinner from the Jukers in the night and had a great conversation with Brother Juker, he is a stud!

Sunday was daylight savings start time and wow! It was a blessing to have it to get an extra hour of sleep after having moved 3 days last week. We went to mtgs and church, and then out with the Hartmans to Brother Heracovic and then we had the chance to go to a funeral of a son of a lady from our branch. It was a phenomenal service. We had break the fast at the Arnold's house after, and the Broadbents showed up.

I want to share with everyone the testimony of the things I have been able to learn while on my mission, and I challenge you that as I say it, to ponder what we ALL can be doing to help do the Lords work, and not get discouraged, but to keep going: "I know this Gospel of Jesus Christ is true. I know it with my whole being. I saw that this week. We taught 0 lessons, we talked with a lot of people, but no new investigators. And yet the Lord taught me through all of these struggles trying to find people to teach, that just like in the movie (Facing the Giants) when Grant Taylor has to prepare his field, we too must prepare our field for when He will send His blessings. It isn't always easy, and sometimes we will want to take a day off or not work as hard one day. I promise and testify that every day is so worth it and so crucial to give 110% of our effort and not give up. Do what we can, put forth our effort, and the Lord will do the rest. He has promised that He will and He has thrown the football; but in order to score the touchdown, we must reach out to catch the ball and do our part to win the game".

How has your guy's week been? Anything new or exciting happen? I heard Salem football is in the quarterfinals this week, that is so so cool! Tell them to keep up the good work. How is the snow there? All 6 inches from here in Chardon is now melted, but it is still pretty cold and windy each day.

I miss and pray for you all each and everyday. I love you all so so very much and I hope you all are doing so great and continuing to learn.

I love you forever and always!
Elder Dyl :)

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