Monday, June 28, 2021

The Final Week

Well . . . The Final Week of my mission to Columbus, Ohio has arrived. And with it brings so many emotions and memories as I have been reminiscing on my time here the last 2 years. You know it's crazy because in the MTC in August 2019 all the teachers said to enjoy the mission fully because the 2 yrs goes by in the blink of an eye. I can now reiterate that that is so true. My 2 yrs have been some of the most rewarding, hard 2 yrs I have experienced in my 21 years of life. But I'm so grateful for that and for who I have become.

The I Promise School

Some little updates on the Akron area and how its doing:

  • We taught 39 lessons this week and found 3 new people. We have been working super hard to keep the area up and running for Elder Sanchez and his new companion next week to take over. So many great things are happening. 
  • We put someone on date to be baptized for July 17th!! His name is Lee. He came to church yesterday and was so good to have him be there with us. Super excited for him!
  • We have been helping out driving New Portage Elders around this week because they have been pretty low on miles til end of the month. So we have technically been covering 2 areas again for like the 3rd time since I got here in beginning of March.
  • Honestly this week was so good! Between the members showing up to church (we had about 85 yesterday!) And the people being taught progressing as they are, some great things are happening and I know Elder Sanchez will do a great job at keeping up the great work here!

As the final week of my mission begins now, I wanted to just share the overlying principle and takeaway from the last 2 yrs of my life: "The Lord doesn't require perfection, He only asks of us "intention". I know this is true. I have seen it in action multiple of times out here. I am so happy to think about the small testimony, small spirited Elder McEwan that entered the Provo MTC August 14, 2019. Two yrs later, I understand the Gospel and Atonement of Jesus Christ more perfectly than I ever thought I would or could. I'm so grateful for 2nd chances. And I'm so grateful for what my time in Ohio has taught to me.

See you guys next week!!

Love you always and forever....

Elder Dylan McEwan

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Exciting News!

Exciting Times! Attached is your missionary’s Return itinerary. He will be greatly missed in the Great OCM. Please contact me if you have any concerns.

Thank You,

Sister Halley

Monday, June 21, 2021

Habits and Learning

I was so happy to get to talk with everyone yesterday for Father's Day and so glad you all could get together with all the extended family. For me, it was a very quick week filled with lots of preparation and excitement as I only have 2 weeks left out here in Ohio.

Some highlights of the week:

On Wednesday me and Elder Sanchez were able to go over to Brother and Sister Temple's house to help them get their new house ready to move into. We pulled 2 huge 85 pound bookshelves into the backyard, where I then took an ax and sledge hammered through both bookshelves to get them down to small size to move them to a wood burn pile they had. Super fun day! Was quite the workout haha, but so glad we could help them out with it.

We had interviews with President Horgesheimer on Thursday. They went super good. It was my final interview, and I had a good visit with him. He gave me a priesthood blessing at the very end of our visit. Me and the rest of the district went to Old Carolina BBQ afterwards for lunch. It was a nice time. We then had ward basketball that night and it was super great to see a lot of older men there that we usually don't see at church that often.

Elder Sanchez and I have been teaching lots. We had 31 lessons last week, and drove clear across the whole area to be meeting with people. It was pretty sunny all week long and so it made it nice to be able to get out and go for walks outside. Everyone is on summer vacation so they're always outside and makes it fun to be able to get to know them and talk with them.

We have been doing district runs 3 to 4 times a week. We meet at our apt at 6:50 in the morning and will normally run close to 3 miles each day. I have my fit bit watch so it makes it really nice to be able to track it. Everyone says they want to be in good shape like I'm in, so it's been fun to kind of be their "coach" in a way. ;) 

We were able to give 2 Priesthood blessings as well over the weekend. Super grateful for that authority we have to do that as bearers of the Priesthood and represent what and who our Heavenly Father is.

It was overall a really good week for me. Last week I thought a lot about the topic of "habits" and what kind of habits I have as a person. I'm grateful for the chance we have to learn new habits and to be better everyday. It's been something that I talked to President about in our interview together. He gave some wise counsel that i wanted to share today. He said, "You only fall back into bad habits when you forget who you are and what you're striving to become". Building up our foundation as in Helaman 5:12 and focusing on the strength and the power that Jesus Christ gives to us.

So excited for the excitement of welcoming 2 new little ones to our family soon. :) 

I love you all so very much. I miss you and pray for you guys everyday. Thank you for your examples and your support to me everyday. 

Here is to 1 more email left!😁

I love you always and forever,

Elder Dylan McEwan

Monday, June 14, 2021

The Final Interview and 3 Weeks Left

That week flew by! And was filled with so many awesome opportunities to share the Gospel. As I near the final days of my mission here in Ohio, I'm so grateful for every last chance I have been given to share a little message on how I know that God loves us and sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for us.

Some highlights of the week are:

  • I had my final zone conference on Thursday. We went up to the John Johnson farm in Hiram. It was great weather all day, probably a little TOO great as it hit 92 degrees with all that fun humidity ;). I was able to give my departing testimony at it. I've loved all my zone conferences and am grateful I got to have my final one be at John Johnson farm where I began my mission 2 yrs ago.
  • Me and Elder Sanchez taught 38 lessons last week and found 4 new people. We have been doing as much as we can to continue to build up this area and the Akron Ward. I've been helping Elder Sanchez to get more and more able and comfortable to lead out, and he has done a super fantastic job, and know he will do so great when I leave.
  • We had Ward basketball night with our ward and the New Portage ward on Thursday night and that was super fun. I've enjoyed a lot being able to interact with more members the last couple weeks, and am so happy people are starting to come out and about again.
  • Me and Elder Bischoff who serves in New Portage, had a training visit on Saturday and went to do service at one of their members house. We took wooden railroad ties and put them all around the yard as curbing for their driveway and flower beds. It took roughly 3 hrs as we had to dig dirt out, cut the wood, and then I went back through and nailed the wood to the ground after we had it in. Super fun time though! That night we went and played basketball with the Spanish elders. A guy came and started playing with us, he said his name was McCall. We played for an hour, and then shared a message of Jesus Christ with him. He said he would come back again when we were there!

Some things to look for this week:

  • I have my final exit interview with President Horgesheimer on Thursday.
  • We have a ward bbq and picnic on Friday evening for the Akron ward
  • A great week ahead of us!

I am so grateful for this last week. We averaged receiving 2 self referrals every single day, and that is a testimony to me that people are more ready than ever to know about our Heavenly Father and Savior. As I said at the beginning, I'm so grateful for every last chance I've been given out here in Columbus, Ohio to serve and come to love these people with every last ounce of my heart. This truly is the work of the Lord. 

Only 2 more emails left!😁

I love you always and forever .  .  .

Elder Dylan McEwan

Monday, June 7, 2021

The Final Zone Conference

Has this week been great or what?! It honestly went by super fast. This week will mark my final Zone Conference on my mission. I am forever grateful for all 16 zone conferences I've attended and for the light and wisdom I have gained from them. 

We were literally busy all week long. I sat down last night and basically fell asleep as soon as I hit the couch when we got back to the apt. Here's some highlights of the week:

  • I drove 450 miles since Tuesday. The New Portage elders were without a car all week, so we drove them around to all of their lessons as well as still covered our area with lessons. We averaged about 6 to 7 lessons per day in the Akron Ward plus still 3 to 4 lessons from the New Portage ward everyday. Busy busy busy. 
  • Me and Elder Sanchez were able to do 12 hrs of service and help with 4 service projects. You may have seen 2 of them on my facebook posts. But we: Moved everything out of Kent State apt, then painted/stained a table and bench, then put together an entire full size chicken coop, then installed a wooden picket fence. I was so grateful for the amount of times last week I found myself smiling because of the ability Heavenly Father gave me to use my talents to put together things that for some of them I had never ever tried to put together. ;)
  • We had 2nd hr church yesterday and are officially back to normal for that. And, the Akron Stake is no longer requiring masks at church, AND the Ohio State mask mandate was lifted on Wednesday last week. It was nice to be able to walk around, at stores, through the park, and yesterday at church and to be able to talk to people without breathing through a mask. Such a blessing.
  • We had 3 training visit exchanges last week. One with both companionships in my district, and then one with the Zone Leaders on Saturday. It was honestly so much fun to get together with other elders and to learn from them and just be with them. So grateful we do have that opportunity now to get together as missionaries more often.
  • We were able to help give 2 priesthood blessings yesterday. I'm so grateful for the power and blessing of the priesthood and for the ability to administer and minister to those in need when they need it. I think that is what the Savior Himself exemplified daily, was focusing on the one but ministering to all.

My testimony has been strengthened beyond measure this week. I've been thinking a lot about goals and plans lately. And last week I had a very powerful and spiritual moment one day where I felt that Heavenly Father truly does loves plans and goals, we just have to be ready to act on what we say we are going to do. And quote to end the email with today comes from Sister Horgesheimer last transfer: "Plans sometimes have to change, but they're still plans".

So glad Lola had so much fun at her dance recital. Lola K I'm excited to watch you this summer and fall with dancing! Super happy you could go to Mark Walker's funeral. Truly will miss him. I hope you all had such a great week!

I miss and pray for you all everyday. I'm reminded everyday how blessed I've been in life and these 2 yrs to have such a great support system at home cheering me on. Can't wait to see you all soon!

Love you always and forever  .  .  .

Elder McEwan

Post Return

As you have left your mission and "family" in the Ohio Columbus Mission and returned to your home and family in Salem, Utah, you h...