Monday, September 28, 2020

Conference with Elder Bennett

I wanted to share what I learned from being able to have a 4 day zoom call conference with the entire OCM, and the area President (Elder Bennett) last week:

We talked about how we need to come to know the members more personally. Even if we have 20 to 25 min blocked in for a lesson, and we take 15 of those minutes to ask the family and members about their personal lives, leaving only open 5 to10 min for an actual Gospel centered lesson, then that is OKAY. It is more important that we gain trust and love for the members and honor and obey the first 2 great commandments to love God and to love our neighbor, than to simply check a lesson off for the day. love the members, and you will receive opportunities to teach their friends and loved ones, because as we extend invitations with boldness, love, and urgency, then we will have greater success in helping work WITH the members instead of trying to TRAIN the members. 

It was a wonderful conference that I very much enjoyed, and I'm so grateful that because we are all baptized, then WE ARE ALL ENGAGED, INVITED, AND ENCOURAGED to be apart of the Lord's battalion to gather scattered Israel. That is Akron zone focus for this week, is to share with members the member missionary tag we got this time last year, and to share ways we can all be being member missionaries. 

I was also able to give our ward mission leader, Brother Johnson, a blessing on Saturday because he is going into back surgery today. I was very grateful for that chance to help him.

We also went over to the Gailey house, and Sister Gaileys mom is the Mayor of Wadsworth. I told Sister Gailey that I'm wanting to do some Government for part of my career and she said, "Well then you should contact my mom, she will give you tips and pointers on what to do and how to do it". 😊😊

I love you all so much!

Elder Mustard

We made it through this week, and honestly, it was a learning and growing week for me, and one that I will look back on for a long long time.

So I wanted to structure my email a little bit differently this week, and it is going to be kind of a longer email too. So first off, me and Elder Moss were able to go to church yesterday here in Wadsworth, and I'm so forever grateful for that! We received an updated thing on church for Wadsworth:

  • Weekly church mtgs
  • Live broadcasting sacrament services
  • 1 sacrament mtg a week
  • Virtual 2nd hour mtgs (except primary)
  • No singing 

That was awesome to hear! So starting October 11, we will get to go every week to church. I just want to testify strongly, that I know that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers; I know it from the bottom of my heart. So do not give up, He is with us always. 

We got a new updated information announcement about all 19 missions in the North America Northeast last night, this is coming directly from Salt Lake:

  • Just Serve in your community.
  • Find projects in your area on
  • NO member and nonmember service.
  • No nonmember and member meals
  • No meals at district council and zone conf.
  • No overnight training visit
  • No Proselyting in public
  • No knocking doors and street contacting

Elder Bennett, who is the area president, had a meeting with Elder Christopherson this weekend, and Elder Christopherson gave very very direct instruction to Elder Bennett that ALL 19 of the NANE missions need to follow these guidelines, without exception. Elder Bennett at times asked Elder Christopherson a couple of "Why" questions, and Elder Christopherson told him that the Lord needs and wants it to be this way for us. A thought came to my mind as I heard this, and it comes from Elder Holland, "We have not come this far, just to come this far". I do not know why the Lord needs us to continue to stay inside here in Ohio, and while I have spent the last 7 months of the 14 total months I have been a missionary, 7 of those months I have spent inside, I know the Lord has a plan. Announcements keep coming daily (literally something new comes everyday from either Area Presidency or Salt Lake, so I'll continue to keep you guys updated as more things are announced).This is never easy, but we just have to trust.

So let's get into the miracles of the week shall weπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ So on Sunday last week, I decided to fast, because Wadsworth has been a little bit slower lately and I want to be able to do all that I can, while I'm here in this town. On monday, the miracles started coming:

1.) Hannah Saylor texted and said she had a good friend of hers and her 8 yr old daughter who needed to do a writing assignment for school on "Who Missionaries are", and so we met up with them on Tuesday and were able to visit with them for a while. It was awesome! 

2.) This one is a miracle because obviously now after the announcement given last night, we can't do member service projects. But, so we went to the Bradley's house again, and were able to help them out with painting their swing set for their kids. Their 6 yr old daughter, Helen, came up to me and asked me for my name. I told her, and she was all like, "Elder Mustard?!?!" That was just the thing I needed to make me smile. So I told her she can just call me Elder Mustard from now onπŸ˜ƒ.

3.) We recieved a referral from the Medina Sisters for a guy who has been a member his whole life, but never knew who to contact as he has moved around from area to area. We have talked to him on the phone and he said he would very much appreciate being able to keep talking with us. What a blessing.

I am here to witness to each of you today, that miracles are everywhere around us. Not going to lie, I needed this week to happen, to remind me "Who is in charge, and Who I stand for as a witness everyday". We always ask ourselves the Why's of life, and I have found myself asking that exact thing lately. President Horgesheimer said something that really stood out to me, "The Lord will NEVER ask you to do something, that He doesn't already know you'll be able to accomplish". This is the Lord's work, and He is the one who descended below us all, to then rise with each of us everyday of our life. Don't give up on the Lord, because the Lord hasn't given up on you.

I felt pretty weak this week. Not necessarily weak as in physical weak; but a spiritual weakness. And so I was listening to a talk given by a lady who had been through a lot of trials in her life, and how she had found prayer to be the KEY source of light for her. I actually started to cry during the video of the talk, and actually felt a burden lifted off of my shoulders. Then the song came to my mind, "Be still my soul, the Lord is on thy side, with patience bear, thy pain across." Be of good cheer, because the Lord is preparing a way for you to do everything in life that He needs you to, and that you want to do.πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ 

Why did this world need a Pandemic to teach us and to bring us to our knees?? My answer to that question comes from an experience that happened this week that I know the Lord truly had a hand in helping with. Me and Elder Moss had just had some outside time (they want us to be outside as much as we can because of how much we are supposed to be inside), and so we came back to the apt and were in our workout clothes. This man was standing by a couch in the doorway, and I said, "This looks fun. (while chuckling a little). Do you need some help with that sir?" He said he would love help. I then noticed he had already tried to fit the 12 foot couch in the elevator and had shattered the light, so I suggested we take it the stairs way. I asked him what floor it was and he said, "On the 4th floor". This situation was just getting better and better πŸ˜‰ So I proceeded to help this guy carry a 200 pound, 12 foot long couch up 8 flights of stairs (there is 2 flights for every floor), and then I pushed the couch approximately 50 to 60 yards to his apt room. Now, while this was just a simple service, I know the Lord had a hand in it. I compare the lifting of the couch and helping of the couch, to all of the world lifting their own burdens right now, and struggling BIG TIME (as Grandpa McEwan would say). So, the Lord is going to put us in a path that we can help those people. The only question is, will we be ready and willing to help those people?? Prepare now, "time is running out"- President Nelson.πŸ˜ƒ

General Conference is this weekend on Saturday and Sunday! I'm so excited! And so I wanted to invite all of us, to earnestly and diligently write down a question either today or tomorrow that we can take to conference weekend this week, and pray to have answered. I can promise that if and when we sincerely pray in faith, our question will be answered. It is such a blessing that we have 15 called and set apart apostles, prophets, and seers to lead and guide this great work of salvation on the earth today. Listen to the Prophet, follow the Prophet, He knows the way. My favorite quote has now become, "The Prophet doesn't stand in the way of us and the Savior. The Prophet points the way to the Savior and then walks step by step with us back to the Savior and Heavenly Father". Follow the prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, and I can promise each of you happiness and joy as we strive to become all that we want to become and all that we need to become in this life.

I wanted to end with a quote, because we all need good and uplifting quotes right?! πŸ˜‰

"Being different doesn't mean you're wrong. Being different means the Lord trusted you enough to create you how you are, to be the needle in the haystack, to represent our Savior Jesus Christ who was different from everyone and was dispised of many, and to soften hearts and heal." When we have the choice to be different or to be right this week, let us follow President Monsons council to, "Let us choose the harder right, instead of the easier wrong".😊

I love and miss you all dearly, and am truly beyond words grateful, for all of you and your continued support and examples to me as I serve in Ohio and you all teach me so much about who our Savior Jesus Christ wants each of us to be. Know that I am praying for you all daily; I know miracles are everywhere to be found and seen, we just have to keep believing, keep praying, because "Heaven is cheering us on today, tomorrow, and forever"😊 I'm so excited to talk to all of you guys today!! Let's have our best day (and week) YET!πŸ˜‰

I love you forever and always!

Elder Dylan

I will be what I believe -- I forget the author

My own sacred grove -- the author is on the tip of my tongue but i cant remember this one either πŸ˜‰πŸ˜…

Whirlwind of a Week

I am so happy that the cement and the shed were both able to be done last week! Makes us know that Heavenly Father is aware of us always.

Mom - Things are going well, and I tried doing what you and I had talked about last week. I listened to Elder Moss, and let him kind of "be in charge" for a few days. I am thinking it may have worked. I don't know quite yet on that, because he is just such a quiet person that he doesn't say much even when he is in charge πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚ I figure by the end of this transfer cycle in 28 days, he will be ready to "head out on his own". We have worked well together, and for that I'm very grateful that we have been able to get to know each other these last 2 months now. I can tell his confidence is growing, he is like cousin Derrick when Derrick went through his stage of being shy and quiet, and even the stage I went through growing up of being shy and quietπŸ˜ƒ I just feel bad it is while he is on his mission that he has it, and continually hope and pray he can keep growing and progressing. Thank you for your counsel. I love you!

I love YOU Forever and Always!


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The Lord's Loving Embrace

President Russell M. Nelson posted this on Facebook yesterday morning and I loved it so much that I wanted to share it with you guys. Remember, the Lord loves each of us, and as we continually come towards Him everyday, He has promised that He will always be waiting for us, and walking with us, Step by loving Step.

President Nelson -- I love going to the hospital to welcome new babies to our family!

This treasured experience brings me unspeakable joy every time. I love holding these precious children in my arms and embracing them for the first time, as in the accompanying picture, taken pre-COVID.

These past few months, my pattern has been interrupted. Wendy and I have resorted to greeting our new family members virtually. We have missed holding these babies in our arms and look forward to the day when we can do so again.

Gratefully, even a pandemic cannot and will not stop the Lord from embracing us. His love is constant. He never stops watching over us. He has promised that He will be on our right hand and on our left, that His Spirit will be in our hearts, and that even His angels will surround us.

You and I have a special opportunity to feel His love during the upcoming general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which will be broadcast on October 3 and 4. I pray that you and your family are preparing to hear the words the Lord will speak to you through His servants. General conference is a magnificent opportunity to feel the depth of the Lord’s love for you.

I also hope that you will prayerfully consider inviting friends and family, including those of other faiths, to watch general conference so that they too may feel the Lord’s embrace.

I love you, my dear brothers and sisters, and send you my virtual embrace, “un gran abrazo.” I promise that as we turn our hearts to Jesus Christ, He will encircle us in the arms of His love.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Discomfort Brings Growth

How has your guys week all been? How did the weekend go for everyone? Dad, BEST OF LUCK today on your new job. You will do so so great I know it! I'm so excited to hear how it goes! And mom and Garrett, you guys made it through your first week of school, Yahoo! How did it go? Cousin Austin's surprise birthday party looked so much fun, glad he could enjoy his 18th 😊

So as the title states, it has gotten a little chilly in Ohio this last week. I went to sleep on Wednesday night and it was pretty average of 75 or 80 degrees, and by the time I woke up and walked onto the deck at 6 am on Thursday morning, it was a mere 45 or 50 degrees. Then, everyday since that day, it has been windy and chilly, and I'm feeling that there will maybe be a snowfall pretty soon within the next few weeks. Where I am at in Akron, I am about 2 hours south of Lake Erie (which is connected to Canada), and so we get the wind chills and all of the Lake effect this time of year. I remember this time last year in Chardon and Kirtland, and it was so cold by the lake. I told myself I need to start bundling up more now, instead of just my white short sleeve shirt πŸ˜‰.

Thursday we were able to have a very good scripture study with Sister Zook in the morning over zoom. And then Sister Demming called us up and said she had gone and bought some food for us, so we very happily went over to her house to pick it up. She is such a sweet lady here in the Wadsworth ward. Very grateful to have people like her here. 

We found out on Thursday that Wadsworth ward is now allowed to have up to 50 people at church every 2nd and 4th Sunday. Brother Johnson who is the ward mission leader, texted us and said that he and the Bishop want me and Elder Moss to be at both the 9:30 and 10 am sacrament meetings every 2nd and 4th Sunday! I have been here in Wadsworth for 5 months now and have been to church one time in those 5 months; prayers are answered :).

Saturday was super fun! I decided to have us drive down to the south east part of Wadsworth to a little town called Doylestown. We drove there and parked, and they had about one in every three houses having a yard sale, and so that was fun for us to be able to walk around and see, as well as they were having what looked like maybe Doylestown City Days (would be my guess), so they had street vendors and everything. Also, something I noticed was that at the Walmart here, they no longer have a taped off section where you're supposed to enter into the store, so I'm hoping that is a good sign and things are on the uphill slope with that :).

Sunday, we had Come Follow Me study with Sister Zook in the morning, and then we taught the McIntires who are super fun to talk to, and one other family we taught who I can't remember their names off of the top of my head. We then had the Mission Wide Devotional on Sunday night where we had Brother Carl Anderson speak to us. Brother Anderson lives in the Kirtland stake, and is their Stake Patriarch. From what I have heard, Carl has lived in Kirtland "almost" as long as there have been members in Kirtland . . . almost that long. So he is pretty knowledge for Kirtland church history, and gave a very powerful testimony when he spoke to us on Sunday night.

I have learned and feel like been able to grow so much these last 5 or 6 days. Serving a mission during COVID, during quarantine, and not being able to see and talk with members in person, and also not being able to really street contact people still at this point, has been discouraging and hard the last few months. I was reading though in my patriarchal blessing this weekend on Saturday, and it made me think of many times in my life that I have been asked to do something hard, and have been able to then accomplish it with people's help. I then thought of the Savior, standing and kneeling all alone in the garden suffering for what we are going through right now in the world, and walking up the hill to Calvary with him carrying His own cross. It led me to ask myself, "Am I doing all that I can to carry MY cross". The road of life has never been easy for the people of Christ, and we are promised that "there is much more to come. If we think the Restoration is complete, this is only the beginning"- President Nelson. I would like to invite and encourage all of us sometime this week, to read our Patriarchal blessings, and then say a prayer for how we can fulfill and accomplish things we want to from our blessings, and pray for strength to carry our load as well as the loads of others 😊.

Also, Elder Bennett who is the Area President of the North America Northeast region, is going to be doing a zoom virtual meeting tour with this mission this week. From Tuesday to Friday this week, we have a zoom meeting every day from 9 am to 10:30 and 11-12 on Tuesday and Friday. So I am super excited to be able to get to talk to the area President and receive training from him about the direction of missionary work going forward into the near future. I also believe we are getting 6 new missionaries this week, I could be wrong though. It's pretty much been an every week thing of new loads of missionaries coming to Ohio since about May 14 or 15!

From time to time, I will reflect on what I have been able to do as a missionary since August of 2019; this last week, I thought back to an experience I had probably about 9 days into the MTC. I was sitting in class, and I remember thinking, "The Lord called me on a mission, to Columbus Ohio, to serve and help those people as best as I could". Since that day, I have developed an even stronger sense of what that sentence means to me. Heavenly Father loves all of us, because we are all His sons and His daughters, who have come to this earth to have our mortal experience to learn and grow to become like Him. We are our brother's brother, and we are our Brother's keeper -- Because, aren't we all on this path together, and aren't we all "imperfect in the sight of God". That is my 2nd challenge and invite for all of us to do this week, is to reach out to one person who we feel could use our voice and spirit in their life. I promise the happiness and the blessings that will follow, are indescribable 😊😊

How is everything going at home? How did church go yesterday for you guys?? I'm so happy you guys get to go now too, and can have that blessing each month too! :) How did Salem Hills' Homecoming week go last week? I'm so happy that Daniel is having fun on Student Council this year, it definitely was and is something I love everyday. General Conference is in 2 weeks, which is super exciting! We will probably just watch it either at the apartment or at the church building on the computers in the family history center. 

I pray for you guys everyday, and hope that all of you are doing well😊 You guys are so awesome and incredible, and you all are moving mountains everyday with what you all are doing. I'm so forever and always grateful for you guys and your impact and influences in my life everyday 😊 I'm excited to talk to everyone today!! 

I love you forever and always!

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Entering My 10th Transfer Week

It felt like both a really fast week and also a really slow week. How is the first week of school going Garrett and Mom? I know you guys are doing so great! Dad, yesterday was "The Big Day" right (or today is), for finishing up at NSP πŸ˜πŸ˜‰ You start on Monday right? Will you be in person at this job or at home working? You'll do awesome!

I feel like transfer news comes faster and faster these days, how about for you guys??🀷‍♂️ So here it is . . . I am staying here in Wadsworth for another 6 weeks. Which means, that this will be my first 6 month area on my mission. I guess the Lord has things He still needs me to do here in Wadsworth, so I just gotta keep doing my best daily. That's something I've been learning a lot about, is accepting Heavenly Father's will and timing, and trusting in His plan. When you guys have time, go and listen to the song called -- Thy Will Be Done (by Hillary Scott). It is a wonderful song! But so I'm super excited for this next transfer and to become even a more stronger disciple of Jesus Christ in these next 42 days. We also have 28 new missionaries flying here to Ohio TODAY. And then 6 more missionaries flying here to Ohio next week. Which means that in 7 days from now, The Great Ohio Columbus mission will have approximately 245 missionaries serving here. Wow!

My week was great, kind of just an average week, but I'm super excited to tell you all about it. First off, I wanted to share something that has really been on my mind a lot lately and I love the principle behind it. "We don't find perfection in ourselves; We find perfection in Jesus Christ." And I can honestly say that I know that is true. This week taught me a lot about "Living above the line, and not settling for 2nd best". God is all powerful and all knowing, so why not turn to Him and help Him in this great work, as well as allow Him to make out of us something that we definitely could not do on our own. Which leads me to my 2nd thought, "When we are humble, we will want to be obedient, when we are obedient, we will have the Spirit. Without the Spirit, you will not succeed, regardless of your talents or abilities"-- Elder Funk (October 2013 General Conference).

So on Wednesday last week, we drove down to Canton for District Council. It was super fun and we had car inspections there too which we passed, so that was a relief to know the car is McEwan clean πŸ˜‰πŸ₯‡ After district council, we went out to eat with the DL, his comp, and the 2 ZL's in the Akron zone, so that was pretty fun. Then, we had a really great lesson with Hannah and taught from lesson 3 (The Gospel of Jesus Christ). She is doing super well, and will be attending the Kent State YSA branch from now on. 

Thursday and Saturday were great days. We were supposed to go and do a service project at 7 am on Thursday morning, but the Squire family had to cancel on us (which was sad because we were going to get to pour cement and I was super excited😊). It was all good though, we just made other plans for the day. A lot of members here in the Wadsworth ward haven't been responding to us texting or calling them, and so me and Elder Moss have really been acting on a particle of faith lately to try and stay busy each day, but it's just gotten really slow here in Wadsworth with school being in session now especially. That is something I have truly felt recently, is that we just need to trust Heavenly Father. Sometimes it's hard to even do that because it seems like we are just very gradually "treading in deep water" and we aren't sure what's coming our way; I have a strong testimony though, that when we set goals and then make plans to accomplish those goals, that Heavenly Father adds His power to our efforts, and we are magnified to do whatever the Lord asks and requires and needs of usπŸ˜€ So don't give up.

Sunday we were able to have a zoom lesson with Sister Zook and we studied from the Come Follow Me lesson for this week, and then we had a lesson with the Teffteller family over at their house. Super awesome family and we were able to meet the Laughbaugh family (another member family that I hadn't met yet since I got here). We also were very privileged to watch the YSA Face to Face broadcast with Elder and Sister Rasband. It was so so extremely good. I love that they talked about always using the scriptures, and praying, but then to be "acting on the things we learn, and truly just putting them to the test to see if they are true". Let us all act, instead of being acted upon. Overall, super good weekend, and to remember that even in the slowest and hardest times, to keep a smile on and keep treading, because "our lifeguard walks on water".

Monday, we got to do some Family History over at the church, and I was able to have a really fun time with that. I hadn't done Family History in a really long time haha. Then, me and Elder Moss went on a 2 hour hike through these woods by the apartment, and I fell in the river (just my leg🀦‍♂️) but then the whole walk home my leg had Moss and dirt and muddy river water all over itπŸ˜‚. Then, Brother Headrick brought us some pizza, drinks, and some No Bake cookies which were so good. We taught the Pratt family over zoom, they have about 8 or 9 kids, haha so it was fun to interact with them, even over zoom :) 

Tuesday, the end of a week full of blessings and happiness. We were able to drive over to the Bryan house to have a lesson with them in the morning, and then later that night we got to go over to the Bradley house and help Brother Bradley out on his farm and in his garden with pulling out vegetables (I felt like we were at Grandma and Grandpa Losee's house in their garden). It was super fun! Honestly at this point in my mission, I love love doing service and it is so fulfilling to spend each day serving others and doing yard work (of which I have missed immensely 😊). Mosiah 2:17 and the new way that we minister, is a very inspired way from the Prophet, of how we need to be showing love and an act of charity to those around us, as we give them our "helping hand" and help those in need, as stated in Mosiah 17 and 18 -- "to help those who stand in need of your help, to comfort those who need comfort, and to mourn with those that mourn". Such a blessing!

I also hit my 13 month mark on the mission, this last Monday, which is cool. Time is really moving fast now, and we just got to keep moving fast right along with it and doing the best that we can everyday, and "the Lord will accept our effort."- President Hinkley. 

We found out that next week (the whole entire week of September 22-25), we will be having Elder Bennett, who is the Area President, be giving us a "virtual tour" over zoom each day for an hour or so. Not entirely sure what all will take place for it, but super excited for it though!! :) 

I have a very strong testimony of Loving Service to Others. It really is such a blessing and such a great joy, that we get to do this awesome way of ministering in the Church now, and can find special opportunities and really any chance we can find, to serve and help those around us everyday. The world right now is in a lot of commotion; but something that we can do to help the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ out in this "the greatest work on the earth", is to love, to serve, and to learn. We will not find perfection in this life. But, we can catch a glimpse of it, by the way we treat others, and by the way we open our hearts/minds/homes/etc, to those around us. That was something that people of The Inn, did not do, was open their doors to Maty, Joseph, and soon to be born Jesus. So, as in my favorite painting of all time, where Jesus stands on the outside of a knobless door . . . Will YOU let Him in?

I know life can be scary, frustrating, and even confusing at times. Honestly, this whole 2020 year has been all three of those things. But, just as Joseph Smith went through many hard things exactly 200 years ago, we too have to be tried and tested, pushed and stretched beyond our limits sometimes, for us to remember and have embedded in our hearts " Jesus Christ is the light and the life of the world", and my scripture I love, John 3:15. He loves us, our Heavenly Father loves us, and they have provided a way for us to live in this life and then to make it through every trial and challenge. My invitation to each of us this next week, is to get down on our knees and pray to Heavenly Father every morning and ask Him to help us to use the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and have it strengthen us in every aspect and part of our lives. I know and promise as we do this, we will feel and find a joy and happiness that not even the fires and hurricanes can quench, because a love of God and Jesus Christ, is ETERNAL LOVEπŸ’™

How is everything in Salem doing? How is the football team doing? Did they win on Friday against Highland? Parker, keep up the great work on your MA class buddy, you're doing awesome at it! Khristin, keep it up being an amazing teacher for those students, they love you. Sean and Katherine, keep killing it at both of your jobs, you're making a huge difference, and Garrett and Marissa keep it up at work! Marissa, from what you told me last week, you'll be manager of that company by the end of the year πŸ˜‰ Dad, how is bishopric going? You guys have church this upcoming Sunday dont you? So exciting!! :)

I love you guys so much, and I come to see that more and more everyday as I'm here in Ohio currently. I have the greatest support system, and I am truly beyond grateful for your guys wisdom and love to me everyday😁😊 Keep being awesome, doing awesome things; because as we do this, we will "Change the World, One step at a Time".

I love YOU ALL Forever and Always!

Elder Dylan McEwan

Gethsemene -- I forget who sings it thoughπŸ˜‰ 

Monday, September 7, 2020

Labor Day Weekend

Dad, I'm so so excited and happy that you were able to get hired on at a new job and will be starting there in 2 weeks! You are going to do so great! Mom and Garrett, you guys start back up at BYU-Idaho/Pathways next week on Monday right? You will both be so so great! School is the best of the best. What are you guys doing today for Labor Day? I think I remember you guys saying either Brinkerhoffs or Grandma/Grandpa Losee are having a BBQ at their house today, which is going to be so much fun!

I had a great week, very fulfilling and satisfying. It's honestly super amazing to wake up every morning, not really sure all that is going to take place or transpire that day, but trusting that all will be well and go according to what needs to happen. I was reading in 1 Nephi 4:6 on Sunday, and it says"I went forth, being led by the Spirit, not knowing the things beforehand what I should say or do". We had a really cool experience with that actually yesterday in the lesson with Sister Zook. My phone wasnt loading the Come Follow Me to this weeks lesson, and Elder Moss's phone was doing the zoom call, so I turned to him and said "Are you ready to go completely by the Spirit on this one? Because we have no script as to what we are talking and teaching today." So we did just that, and it went so great and I felt the Spirit so profoundly. I know 1 Nephi 4 is a true true chapter in The Book of Mormon.

This last week was spent getting everything ready for Hannah Saylors baptism that happened on Saturday (I'll talk about that in just a few min). At the start of the week though, I guess it was 2 Sundays ago now, we met up with a guy who was baptized by the assistants a few weeks ago and needed to talk with us. We met up with him, and he had had some issues in the past with the church, and so as we talked to him I taught him the importance of having complete and 100% faith in Jesus Christ, and following what it says in Helaman 5:12 of "building our foundation upon the rock of our Redeemer" -- Just like the wise men and foolish men in primary πŸ˜‰. He then asked for a Priesthood blessing and so I was able to perform that for him, and I had only met the guy one time previous, but as I laid my hands on his head and started the blessing, I knew he was a son of Heavenly Father and that He would bless Ron to be okay in the end. I'm so forever grateful for the Priesthood and for the blessing and privilege I have of using it everyday of my life.

Wednesday was the big 20 for me, and so we had 2 lessons that morning and then went on 2 walks around town to get our legs moving for the day; then we went to Applebees for dinner which was so so super good! Thank you guys so much for the birthday package too, it was so much fun to open it and eat some of the food and have my favorite thing ever . . . Pie! :) It was all around a great day! Something I was thinking about that day as we were sitting at the booth/table in Applebees restaurant, was the thought of: "Who are we becoming?" And not just that question, but also about how we can be becoming stronger everyday, and being a blessing to others as we serve the Lord. I wanted to encourage all of us this next week to do and find some way to make someone smileπŸ˜ƒ and that can come in many different ways -- Calling them by name and saying hi, leaving a cool uplifting sticky note on their car window, etc. I know that when we pray for opportunities and experiences to be the "pencil and pen" in the Lord's hands, He then writes a beautiful story for us to bring and lift those around us.

Thursday we had just a couple of lessons that day and the 2 people we had been teaching as of last week, have fallen off a little bit and so we are thinking we will still keep in contact with them, but also being able to share the reason we as missionaries are on missions is to invite and help others come closer to Jesus Christ. Super cool family and couple!

Friday, we had a surprise training visit with the district leader and his companion here in Wadsworth. We also went and set up the chairs and started getting things ready for the baptism. Then, we drove the 30 min up to the Talmadge church bldg for interviews with President Horgesheimer and to also have district council. Interviews went great and it is always so so good and so much fun to see the Horgesheimers in person. District council was also so good, and I gave a training there about "Gaining and obtaining personal revelation and inspiration". I jotted down some points and thoughts that I wanted to share with you guys:

- Seek to act, not to be acted upon.
- Pray for guidance to what the Lord and Heavenly Father want you to do.
- Reading our patriarchal blessing will bless our lives

These points are just a few of the ways that we can have the Lord's hand so abundant and play a huge role in our lives. Then that night, we had the district devotional and I was able to give the training for it. I showed Elder Hollands video on The Book of Mormon from 2019 October General Conference, and we talked afterwards about why we all need the Book of Mormon in our life and that it gives us guidance and is our stronghold in the waters of life. Very cool lesson!

Saturday, was a day I will never forget of my time as a missionary. It was Hannah's baptism! We got to the church at 7:45 that morning to start filling up the font, and then we had a mission wide zoom training meeting with the Horgesheimers and AP's at 9 am. We talked about different ways to find new people to teach and how we can be using facebook and social media to reach out to people. Elder Johnson and his companion came up for the baptism. Hannah's whole family showed up, which made us super happy! Her boyfriend baptized and confirmed her, and it was such a happy and special moment for her. Me and Elder Moss were able to be the 2 witnesses for the baptism and then stood in the circle for the confirming. I'm so happy for Hannah and her journey now going forward. It was a wonderful morning! Me and Elder Moss went on about a 2 hour walk in the evening, and were able to wave and say hi to a lot of people, which always makes me happy to do. We also met a super sweet older lady who is originally from Germany, and was our working in her front yard when we walked by. I asked her if she needed help, and we got started talking to her about her life and her cute little pug dog she has. She then asked who we were and what we do each day. We shared our reason for coming to Ohio and were able to share a quick message of Jesus Christ and His love for each one of us on the earth. I left her with a picture of Christ, and she said she would look into it.

Sunday was just an amazing and super cool day! We had 4 lessons with 4 different member families that day. The lesson we did with all of them is one you guys can do to, it's pretty fun! What it is, is you take a Book of Mormon and flip to 1 Nephi 1:1, and you have 20 seconds to count how many letters "F" you can find in verse 1. People usually get anywhere from 6 to 15. I usually get 6 and sometimes 13 or 14. But, the process behind it is if we count the footnote "F's" and even the small ones we dont think are there. We then relate it to how "by small and simple means are great things brought to pass", that even the small footnotes and "F's" we think dont count, actually do count. So we did that all day which was pretty fun. Elder Moss and I went over to Sister Zooks house and she had made us a lemon meringue pie (You can guess how happy I was ;)). So we sat and ate some pie and visited with Sister Zook. She is super cool and awesome! Then in the evening we had the mission wide Sunday devotional. It is always super fun to see all the missionaries from this mission and see how everyone is doing.

So it was a pretty great week and I learned a lot in it. One of the things that stood out to me during this last week was how important it is to Stay Humble and to Be Kind. When we are humble, we are better able to assess a situation with a kinder and more loving approach and we are able to make choices and decisions with a clear mind and asking Heavenly Father how we should go about that decision or situation we are in. Kind of like when Nephi was being rebelled against by Laman and Lemuel and he loved them regardless and even prayed for them. That probably took a lot of faith and trust on Nephis part, to forgive them for what they had done to Nephi, and turn his hate and anger and frustration to Jesus Christ and His atonement. It's pretty cool and powerful when we can look at others and see something in them that maybe they dont see in themselves, and can lovingly pray for them and help them in whatever way we can and are needed to.

Life is so amazing. It really is a happy and exciting time to be alive right now and going forward into the future. There is a lot of uncertainty out in the world these days, and people are scared, worried, and nervous about what that future holds for them and people and things they love. I know though, that as we trust and as we allow our minds to Stay Humble and Be Kind, then our hearts can be turned to Jesus Christ and He can be the G.P.S. that we all so very much need in our life and in the world today. Never lose hope, and never stop believing for a happy and bright day every morning when the sun arises, because the sun always sets at the end of the day, and with it, comes a new day and new hope in our Savior Jesus Christ.

Transfers are next week on Thursday, and so P-day is going to be on Wednesday for next week.

How is Salem and school been going? Say hi to everyone at the Jr High for me, and tell them they are doing a great job this year! Parker, how is your MA course going? Katherine, how is your foot zoning certification going? How is everyone doing outside of work and school? You all are so awesome and I'm forever and ever grateful for all of you and for everything that you each do for me everyday.

I miss you guys everyday, and I pray for you always, I love you guys so very much and I know that everything I learned from you guys while growing up, have been things that I have been able to share with and to people out here.

I love you forever and always,

Elder Dylan

Post Return

As you have left your mission and "family" in the Ohio Columbus Mission and returned to your home and family in Salem, Utah, you h...