Monday, March 29, 2021

3-Hour Road Trip for a Vaccine

How are you guys doing this week? How did the week of events and such things go? Mom, I'm so glad you were able to have a great birthday! Grandpa Losee, Happy Birthday today!๐Ÿฅณ

This week was full of events, so I'll get right down to it:

- We had 2 service projects on Wednesday afternoon. Both were pretty big ones too. The first one, we helped a lady take down her gazebo in her backyard. Took about an hour. Then, realizing we were late we rushed across town to help a lady move out of her house for another 2-ish hours. What a fun night.

- Had interviews and district council on Thursday over in Talmadge. I had everyone focus on "The happiness we have when we focus on obeying God's commandments". Overall really good district council, and my interview went super great with President Horgesheimer. We had exchanges with Spanish elders (Elder Carter and Elder Bird). Me and Elder Carter helped a member here move some mulch into their back flowerbeds, super fun and brought back all the memories  ;) 

- Friday it rained all day. Funny story actually, it was super windy at about 3 am on Friday morning. I was laying awake just listening to the wind because it was that loud, and then Elder Foster was like, "McEwan I think there is a tornado going on" .  .  . and just like that, the power went out๐Ÿ˜‚ The whole west side of Akron had no power until about 8 am that morning(sadly no tornado though). Then it poured rain all day, so we did a lot of calling and texting people. We went and did the 'Smash the Can' lesson with the Bunts family.

- Saturday was traveling day. We left our apartment at 7:30 am and picked up the New Portage elders (Kofoed and Brown) and drove 3 hours to the west side of Columbus, where we were able to receive our first dose of the COVID vaccine! We got to the place, and was about a 2 hr wait in our car, so we had some good time where we actually met a few members of the church while we waited:) We drove 3 hrs back to Akron and stopped to get some Subway on the way back. The vaccine wiped all of us out, we all were very exhausted by the time we got to New Portage apartment. And the fact we had been up since 5:30 am, and driven a total of 6 hrs, and the vaccine too. But I was so happy I could get it this weekend! We will go back in 4 weeks for the 2nd dose.

- Sunday we had our Ward Council call at 7:30 am. Then, we were asked to bless the sacrament which was cool because it'd been a while since I had done that. We got back to the apartment, and called up the 7 new self referrals we got last night, where we were able to teach 5 solid lessons over the phone and find 2 new people who were interested. After those 5 lessons, me and Elder Foster were both extremely fatigued and our arms were super sore from the shot yesterday, so we ended up falling asleep for a little while. We had our mission wide devotional and had the Columbus Stake President speak to the mission. Super fun!

- We were able to teach a total of 22 lessons, and find 6 new interested people who are wanting to learn and know more about the church. This was definitely a week of tender mercies on so many levels. 

I'm filled with so much gratitude this week. I was reminded in my studies earlier this week, about the importance of "Leading By Example in High Love, & High Expectations". As Nephi did when he was faced with challenges to be the example to his older brothers, we too need to be having the strength and the courage to stand up for what is right, even when the 'peer pressure of the world' gets strong. Ultimately, our quest in this life is not about if we will have opportunities to show who we believe in. Elder Holland promises that "WHEN we are presented these things, we must be ready and we must be willing to act in the name of Jesus Christ". This is my testimony this week. I'm grateful I have a knowledge of who I am, more so I'm grateful I know who I am when the game stands tall. My invitation, is to ask yourself this week: Who are you when the game stands tall? 

ALSO, prep for General Conference this weekend! It is going to be exciting  :) 

I love you all so so much! I'm so grateful for you guys and for your examples to me :) Mom, good luck this week with your surgery. I will be praying for you.๐Ÿ˜Š

I love you forever and always .  .  .

Elder Dylan McEwan

Monday, March 22, 2021

Assembly of God Church, Funeral, and Lots of Growth

First off .  .  . "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Mom (in 5 days on Saturday๐Ÿ˜‰๐ŸŽ‚), Happy Birthday to you!" I hope you can have such a great birthday Mom, and know how grateful for you that I am ❤

This week was so much fun and taught me so much about having patience, as well as seeing that obedience really does bring blessings to our lives. I think that is one of the coolest things about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is that we learn way more quickly when we are simply doing as we are told by God who knows simply way more than we do.

Highlights of my week๐Ÿ˜

- Zone Conference went well on Thursday! We learned about the 5 principles of the Gospel. Had some awesome trainings and my talk I had to give went super good so that was awesome! It also poured down rain that whole day๐ŸŒฆ

- Friday was the funnest day of this whole last week! We got up in the morning and got to the Food Pantry/Open M at 7:15 am. We then helped there for 4 hrs. Then we went and had an awesome exchange with the New Portage elders. I was with Elder Kofoed and we had a ton of fun. Taught 4 lessons and then helped a member lady put together a TV stand. We were pretty tired by the end of the day but it was so fun to just be busy all day long.

- Saturday we had the funeral of a member in the ward named, Charles Florence. He passed away of pre existing health conditions. It was a wonderful funeral at our church bldg. His family is all non members except for him. It was nice to be able to talk to a lot of them about the Plan of Salvation and where Charles is at๐Ÿ˜Š We had 2 mtgs that night (one for social media/district leaders, one for our district devotional). Overall really good day! 

- Sunday was miracle filled!! Matthew, a guy we have been teaching for 2 weeks was able to come to church! Then, me and Elder Foster had gotten invited on Saturday at the funeral to attend an Open Door Church yesterday. So we attended and wow, that was just WOW .  .  . (if you know what I mean๐Ÿ˜‰) There was clapping, music, and lots of "Amen Hallelujah!" So cool to be able to be there and see kind of what another church and faith do for their church. Super nice people also! We also were able to find 1 new person today too!

Eva was not really able to talk and meet with us this week. We did stop by her house on Saturday and hand her a picture frame of Jesus Christ with a sticky note that said "April 10" on it to keep her thinking hopefully about April 10. But we will get her this next week, I know we will! Akron Ward is doing well! A ton of people were at church yesterday, which made me happy because it's been a long long time since I have seen that many people there at church!


It has been a while since we have seen this news huh??!!

- Elder Bennett (Area president) has shortened the 8 page covid regulations for missionaries down to 2 pages. We still cannot actively proselyte and knock doors/street contact, no overnight exchanges, and no eating in member homes. BUT, I'm just glad it is now 2 pages instead of 8. I think that is a miracle in and of itself๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š

I truly learned so much this week, and will actually put my testimony in a voice recording this week. Sometimes I like doing those because then it is less typing for me๐Ÿ˜‰ But I truly am so grateful for this last week and for everything that I have been learning and being able to do. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true and I'm grateful for the plan that God has for each and everyone of us❤

How is everything going at home? How did church, school, and work go last week? Parker congrats buddy on passing your MA course!! I'm so proud of you ❤

I love you all forever and always!

Elder Dylan McEwan

Monday, March 15, 2021

Springing Forward to New Heights

This week has been so eventful and so much happened, I honestly don't even know where to begin. I truly feel the work picking up more and more. I'm reminded this last week about how the sons of Mosiah and Alma taught for so many years, and yet just when they were able to turn back because they thought nothing was working, the Lord truly provided a way for them to accomplish what He needed them too. 1 Nephi 3:7.

Highlights of this week:

- We had a lesson with Eva on Saturday. Guess what!!!!??? She said she wants to get baptized! April 10th is the day for her. Please keep her in your prayers. She is such a kind lady, and really desires that change and growth in her life. I know she can do it, and we are going to keep meeting with her every Saturday morning until April 10th.

- We were able to go and help at the Open M food pantry in downtown Akron on Tuesday morning which was so much fun. We boxed and packaged over 60 store orders for families who were coming to pick up food that day. Such a fun time working and helping there. On Thursday we were able to go to the Akron Spanish elders apartment, and did an exchange that day. I was with Elder Bird. We were able to go and be around Kent State University for a little (they cover that campus) and we had 3 lessons which were amazing. Then, him and I went on a 2 1/2 hour walk that night and walked to the University of Akron, and then we decided we were going to find where Lebron James school he helped build was. So we walked and found it, and man it was exciting. I will post pictures! All in all, I figure we walked closed to 6 or 7 miles on that walk!

- Saturday we had that amazing lesson with Eva! Then we had a Stake Coordination with all the missionaries in Akron stake as well as the Stake President. Then, we drove up to Talmadge and had an exchange with the zone leaders. We helped move a lady out of her house, then went to Taco Bell for lunch (we didn't have time to make anything else ๐Ÿ˜). Then, me and Elder Jones had 2 awesome bible studies with 2 people over the phone. Me and Elder Foster then had our district devotional when we got home at 9 pm.

- Sunday was awesome! Ward council virtual at 7:30 am. Then me and Elder Foster both had been asked to speak in sacrament meeting! We spoke on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Such a fun topic! We met with a guy named Brother Labate in the ward. We are helping him to prepare to enter the temple soon. So reading the Preparing to enter the Temple pamphlet. We have been meeting with a lot of members this week both virtual and in person to try and get a general feel and idea for what ways we can be helping the ward.

A very weird thing happened at one of our member lessons on Sunday night. We were about finished with the lesson and the parents asked us both what we were going to do in our future lives. I told them a doctor and to be engaged in helping people and serving. All of a sudden they started interrogating me on government and asking for all my beliefs, parties, etc. Finally I just stood up after like 5 min and turned to Elder Foster, and said, "We are leaving". I just could not feel the Spirit at all, and was not having it with the dad doing that to me. But it definitely taught me the importance of having the Spirit with me always, and being in tune to know when to leave a situation or group of people.

Things to look for this next week:

- Zone Conference is on Thursday. I was asked by the assistants to give 2 trainings for Zone Conference. My topics for my trainings are Working with Members, & Having the Holy Ghost in our life. I'm super excited to give them and to learn as I prepare for them.

- Exchanges with New Portage elders on Friday. Super excited for them! I don't know if I said this or not, but being district leader is so rewarding. I get to work so closely with the other missionaries in my district and get to know each of them individually. I love it! :) 

I have a strong testimony this week on being in tune with the Spirit. I had so many experiences this week where I needed to say just the right thing to the person we were teaching or talking with. The Spirit is there in our life to help us grow and to help us be in tune with our Heavenly Father. He cares about us, which is why He has provided a way that we can see His light in our life. Sometimes we lose that light or lose sight of where we may be going. But I know and I promise that as long as our sights and focus are pointed forward, we will see Jesus Christ every. single. time. I have begun to see the importance of helping here in the mission. The average age of our mission right now is 6 to 7 months. With my time as a missionary winding down, I have felt it important to be helping these younger missionaries to know and learn correct principles and to just be doing their absolute best everyday. Grateful for what I'm learning and doing everyday.

How is everything going at home? How is the Spring daylight Savings going for everyone? Literally time just sped up yesterday haha! 

I love you all so very much and so very grateful for everything you do for me and also teach me :)๐Ÿ’™

I love you all forever and always!

Elder Dylan McEwan

Post Return

As you have left your mission and "family" in the Ohio Columbus Mission and returned to your home and family in Salem, Utah, you h...