Monday, September 30, 2019

A Month in Chardon and Lots Learned

Hi family! :)

How are you all doing?! How is everything going back home? Any more mission calls recently since the last ones you told me?

Miniature Golfing with Elder Henshaw for P-day
It has been a great week! I don't even know where to start because it has been full of adventures. I'm really learning how to trust in Jesus Christ more and how important it is to have personal and companionship study. As we go about each day, pray to Heavenly Father on where to go and who to talk to.

On Monday night I was able to dedicate our apartment. It was such a very cool and humbling experience as I said the prayer and truly felt Heavenly Father in the room.

Tuesday: Zone conference in Talmage! It was a great day. We had the Kirtland elders stay Monday night at our place and then we all went down to Talmage with the recent convert, Mitch, because our car was short on miles for the month. We all got flu shots the very first thing when we got to the church bldg and then went into the chapel. The next 7 hrs seemed to be the greatest and most inspirational 7 hrs of my life. We had trainings by Elder Winn and Elder Bench (AP's) and both President and Sister Stratford. Since we combined 3 of the zones for it then we had all 6 zone leaders teach us, and wow! It was a great time. We had Cane's for lunch, and it kind of reminds me of KFC a little bit. They don't have KFC out here sadly, at least in my area they don't, so I may have to see if I get transferred in the future if there is one in Columbus. At the trainings on this day, we learned how we can better consecrate our time to be effective servants to the Lord and bless everyone. They talked on the importance of being bold and not shying away from an opportunity to bless someone's life :).

Wednesday: We helped Brother Hartman at the Kiwanis Club service project, where we lifted big metal crates into a truck; and then we went to his house where we raked leaves for 2 hrs and then he gave me a box of matches and I set the 4 piles of leaves on fire :):). It was pretty fun! Reminded me of when we burned the weeds in the back yard and put gasoline on it ;).

Thursday: We went knocking pretty much all day and it was kind of funny at one of the houses we went to because we were talking with this man and he said he is not religious but follows after the "world religion". He then proceeded to tell us to go home and pray to know the truth for ourselves so that we could find Jesus Christ in our lives for ourselves . . . Me and Henshaw pointed to our name tags. :). I then was able to bear my testimony on what we know to be true and the importance of having the Book of Mormon in our lives and how the spirit does indeed testify the truth to us. It's so interesting to hear everyone's views and beliefs. We met with a guy named John Hertna, and he is so cool! He works 50-60 hour weeks every week and has 2 young kids and a wife. We were able to have a discussion with him and his wife and we are going to do service for them this week. We also met with Mitch and had the new member lessons with him. He is progressing so well! (Idk if I said this before, but Mitch has like 5 jobs and he is working to become a rapper. His rapper name is Sugar coat ;).

Friday: We went to Brother Hartman's and he had us work in his garage all morning. He wanted all of the electrical done in the garage (lighting, outlets, threading the wire, breaker boxes). Henshaw did this sort of stuff before he came out so he went right to work. Needless to say (even after doing it on our basement) I got to watch Henshaw so he could tell me how to do it and then we got right to work :). Didn't quite finish it on Friday, but going back on Tuesday I think to work on it some more. We watched the 2nd Book of Mormon video as part of weekly planning at the library. If you haven't been able to watch the first 2 episodes yet, they are so so worth watching.

Saturday: We went with the 2nd counselor in the branch presidency to the city of Mentor to the store called Lowes to get a fridge and then when we loaded it in his car. There was NO room for me to sit, so I got squished in between the fridge and the door, it was an adventurous 30 minute ride to his house from there ;). We got to his house and took the new 260 pound fridge inside and then brought his old fridge outside and put it in his car to take to the scrap yard. It was about a 3 hour trek but so fun to be able to be in the moving business again (like the good old days :). We went to an Amish store with Brother Klis (2nd counselor) and got donuts, sandwiches, and chocolate milk. The Amish make some great sandwiches BTW :):). We went knocking in the afternoon and it rained on us. We both had sweaters on because it was freezing when we left the apartment, so then it was hot and muggy after it rained for 7 min. This Ohio weather, can't make up its mind ;). I placed a Book of Mormon to this guy who hadn't been religious lately and was not interested because of how his past churches had treated him, but he was so so open to talk to us.

Story time . . . ;) So remember how I said that the fridge we lifted on Saturday was 260 pounds and we had no dolly to wheel it on, so we lifted it ourselves the 3 of us up 2 flights of stairs?? Well, I went to bed on Saturday night at 10:30 and woke up at 12:15 a.m. in excruciating pain in my neck and shoulder. I laid there for a second and then got up and got an ice pack thinking my shoulders were sore from lifting, then I laid back down and stayed awake. At 1:30 nothing good had changed and the pain had intensified and so I took 4 acetamenophen (by this point, I was very close to screaming in pain and almost woke Henshaw up to give me a blessing). At 2:17 I was still awake and a prompting from the spirit filled my head (it's amazing what you think of at 2:17 in the morning :) I went and got my foot massager that has the vibration on it and I stuck it on my neck and I laid there for 10 min and finally I felt some relief. After being awake for about 3 hrs, I fell asleep at about 3 am and I left the massager on my neck for the rest of the night. By 7:20 when I got up, the massager had run out of batteries and my neck was better but still very swollen and stiff. I'm thinking it is a pulled muscle, so just giving it lots of rest. (Craving the tens unit and missing being able to call for a massage for sure).

Today, Sunday, was stake conference up in Kirtland! I was very tired from a sleepless night so I made sure I had my spark with me. It was so cool to be at stake conference! We had President and Sister Stratford speak at the conference, the stake president, an area seventy who I forgot his name :( and then a kid who just got his mission call. The centerpoint of the conference was focused on member/missionary work and how it is never to be referred to as 2 separate things. We are ALL members of His church and the missionaries CANNOT do this work alone and the members CANNOT do this work alone. We all have to work together.

As we approach General Conference this weekend, I invite all of us to be thinking these next 5 days on how we can help in the work of salvation and how we can combine our efforts with the missionaries and be the best instruments in the Lord's hands that we can be.

I miss and pray for you all every day :) I'm so so very grateful for you all and for the support you show me each and every moment of my life. Thank you for your prayers and support!

I love you forever and always! :)
Elder Dylan :)

2 Nephi 33:1

Monday, September 23, 2019

A Week Full of Blessings

 Hi everyone!

I hope you all had a very tremendous and amazing week! How has everyone been? How is good ol Salem doing?

This week was fabulous. On Tuesday we went and did service for Brother Hartman, and I got to use his fancy fancy weed eater, ah it felt just like I was at home ;). We went and knocked doors for a majority of the afternoon and early evening. We went to Wendy's for dinner and then we went over to an elderly lady's house and helped her and the YM in the branch knock down the lady's shed in her back yard. It was so so much fun! I was in charge of using the sledge hammer, and man oh man, did I swing that thing :). I felt like singing the song, The wise men built their house upon the rock. Haha because when I hit that shed, the house in "the sand" A.K.A. the grass, "washed away" :).

Me and Elder Kamerath
Wednesday we had training visits with the Kirtland elders. I went around knocking doors with the district leader, Elder Kamerath. We talked with this guy named Bob White who is a non-member but loves having the missionaries do service for him. Me and Kamerath talked with him for 2 hrs that night. He showed us his piano and then proceeded to show us his gun collection . . . :) Yeah, his gun collection is seriously like 65 guns and he knows all their names and let us look at them and hold them (sadly not shooting them off :). But it was super cool! We then went up to Kirkland that night and helped set up chairs in the stake center for a family history event this last weekend :)

Thursday we had district council and me and Elder Henshaw were in charge of the training for it. We trained on the How to Begin teaching points and why it is so so effective to always be furthering our teaching and leadership skills everyday. We got back to Middlefield about 1 o clock and went and saw a lady named Carol Bradshaw who is in the assisted living home in the city of Burton, which is just west of Middlefield. We talked with a guy named Jymmy and he is super cool! We found out he is not married and living with his girlfriend and daughter. He loves talking with us, and we were able to explain to him God's love for all of us and why we are here on earth to learn and become like Heavenly Father.

The Area
Friday was a fantastic day! We started it off with doing the new member lessons with Sarah Chabot. She got baptized in July. We met at the Geauga library and were able to have a good 45 min discussion with her. Then we had lunch and did some comp study. But, I had seen that the Book of Mormon video first episode came out on Friday. We went to the library in the afternoon so we could have wifi and watch the first Book of Mormon video. I challenge all of you to watch it, because it is marvelous.

We also met with Raphael on Friday, and sadly he is still struggling with the age of accountability for baptism. He is hard core catholic and not wanting to change his ways.

We helped Bob White move an 80 pound drill press from Burton where his son lived to his house in Chardon, it was a big job. We were also able to have dinner with the bishoprics and stake presidency for the Kirtland Zone. They were having their self-reliance meeting.

Saturday was a cool day because Middlefield was having their airplane day where they gave kids ages 7-17 rides in their airplanes all day. There is a small airport about 5 min from our house in Middlefield. We met Betsy and Gretchen too, gave them both Book of Mormons and are hoping for a return visit.

Chardon's homecoming dance was last night, and it reminded me that SHHS's homecoming was this last week too! Brought back memories of high school dances in the good ol days Haha:).

Today was a good day with church, and then we went over to Brother and Sister Nye's house where we had dinner with them and all the youth and branch president and went over questions that were discussed in the devotional that Elder Bednar did when he came to Columbus in July. Super cool!

We have zone conference this week on Tuesday in Talmage, just south of here about an hour away. I'm super pumped for it! My first one on the mission :). I'll let you know next week how that goes.

How is work and school going for everyone? Has it snowed in Utah yet? It is getting chilly here and everyone is saying that within the next 4-5 weeks we could be seeing some flurries.

I would like to invite us all to read The Book of Mormon. If you have started already, keep reading. And start if you haven't. I have started this challenge myself and I have been able to see the benefit of it myself to know that God has established His word and that through the Prophet, we receive revelation to know what to do in our lives.

I miss and pray for you all so so much everyday. I love you more and more everyday.

I love you forever and always!
Elder Dylan

Moroni 10:3-5

Monday, September 16, 2019

Go and Do Thou Likewise

Hey guys!

How was your week?! What adventures did you all have? How is the weather back home? It rained a lot last week and was very spectacular lightning :) Chardon is right in the middle of the snow belt, so come wintertime . . . . :)

This week was so very wonderful! We had 2 days of service where we went and helped Brother Hartman (branch missionary) with his yard. It made me think of working in the yard back home :). He was like, "Elder McEwan, you sure are a hard worker. Keep it up. It was pretty fun because he has flower beds that we weeded and we mowed his lawn :).

On Tuesday night we had a lesson with a guy named Joey Pitts. It was super spiritual because he is really seeking for the truth of the gospel, and wants to know for himself that the Savior is there for him. I can testify that the Savior is there for all of us when we humbly seek him.

After the lesson we helped the young men in the ward make flower ties. Elder Henshaw has 25 flower ties, and that's all he wears Haha:). He said he is going to make a companionship tie for me, so that'll be cool!

We had district council this last week on Thursday. Each week it will be on Thursday up in Kirtland. It was so cool to be able to see a little bit of Kirtland again. I got asked by the district leader to lead and be in charge of the training for the mtg last week. I taught on How to be a Successful Missionary. It was super good! And made me really think of my purpose as a missionary and that we can all be successful when our "line is in the water" all day and we put forth our best effort, our very best.

We have been talking with a guy named Rick this week. He lives in a trailer park and is super super cool! His mom just got diagnosed with cancer and so I was able to talk with him about the experience of Parker having cancer twice, and it was such a cool moment. God puts us in places He knows we need to be, and we must do all we can in those places to leave a little bit of heaven in their lives.

On Sunday night we went over to a members house and watched the YSA Face2Face devotional. It was cool to hear the testimonies of Elder Soares and Elder Christensen. We took a recent convert named Mitch, and then also Joey to the members house. They loved it!

We went to the Johnson farm in Hiram and to Historic Kirtland today!! It was so so cool to be back there again after 2 yrs, and to see the temple and visitors center. Ahhh, it is so wonderful.

Me and Elder Henshaw got asked to be in charge of the training for district council this week. We are teaching on the "How to Begin Teaching Points" and why it is so important to use them in our teaching efforts.

A little cool story that happened this week: We were out knocking doors on Saturday afternoon and we were in this trailer park. We talked with Rick and then proceeded to knock about 25 doors. We came to this guys house, and he came out and asked what we were doing on his front porch, and why we were dressed like we were. He said he didn't want us there. We asked him if he was religious at all, and he said no and then proceeded to tell us that we were wasting our time on our missions and that we should just give up. We said have a good day and walked away.

With all of the energy of my heart, DO NOT give up guys. The mission is no easy thing, and believe me, there are times when I wonder why I'm doing this, because I could be going to school and working right now. But I know, and the Lord knows, we all know. The Lord needs us on His team. It's harder and harder in today's world to buckle up our chin strap and step over the line, but we need not walk this journey and play this game alone. He is there for us, He loves us, and I love all of you. Pray to him everyday and continually stand worthy to have the spirit with you.

I hope the temple challenge I gave out is going great. Something I've learned is that the Lord is always there to help us as we stretch our arm out to him.

I invite all of you and myself this week to find one way we can make someone's day a little bit better. Serve each day and smile and say hi.

I love, miss, and pray for you all everyday. It's crazy I have been out for over a month now on the mission. This gospel is true and God is real.

I'm so so excited to talk to you all today!! :)
I love you forever and always!
Elder Dylan

Alma 17:11

Monday, September 9, 2019

Middlefield/Chardon Area in Kirtland

September 9, 2019

Hi family!! :)

Wow has this been an exciting last week! I got to the mission home on Wednesday night and we went in directly to interviews with President Stratford. I did find out that we are a Facebook mission, so that will be super super good to be able to further the work of the Lord. We got up on Thursday morning and went for a run with Elder Winn and Elder Bench (the AP's). Then went over to THE Ohio State University! And there we had an orientation about social media use and also were able to go street contacting on OSU campus where I placed my first Book of Mormon to someone :):)

Thursday afternoon we ate lunch (the last supper as President called it Haha:)) and then proceeded to find out our companions name and our first area. I am currently serving in the Chardon area, which takes in Middlefield, Burton, and Chardon. The area is about 1 hr south east of Kirtland. My companions name is Elder Henshaw, and he is from California, kind of by Fresno.

So, funny story that happened both on Thursday night and on Saturday morning in 2 of our lessons. I was teaching the two lessons and Elder Henshaw wasn't saying anything. We were going into some pretty deep discussion on polygamy as well as revelation and why prophets have it. In the Thursday lesson, the guy all of a sudden says, "You're going to be seeing a lot of me from now on," and I was so confused about what he said. He then proceeds to tell me that he is the branch missionary of the branch that we currently serve in. Him and his wife and Elder Henshaw had pranked me into thinking it was a real lesson . . .  :). In the Saturday lesson, it was a different guy and we were talking about prophets and revelation. He stands up and whispers in my ear, "I am actually a member. I got baptized 4 months ago. We are just pranking you." It was a funny situation because they recorded the whole 15 min lesson, but it really boosted my confidence to know that I could teach a lesson or two.

We went street contacting on Friday and Saturday where we went and knocked on doors for about 2 hrs both days. It was super cool but no one really wanted to listen to us. We have this 10 question survey that we use to be able to start talking to people. Questions like, "Do you believe a close family relationship is important?" "Do you pray and believe in God?" Stuff like that. But everyone out here is seriously hardcore Jehovah Witness, Catholic, or Baptist. So we had some pretty good discussions with them about what their religions believe in compared to ours. It strengthened my belief so much. I know without a shadow of a doubt that this Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only true church on the earth today and will be until the savior comes again.

I was asked to speak in church yesterday. We are part of a branch, so about 50-ish people come each week. I spoke on the restoration and why it is important. I spoke for about 10 minutes and everyone came up to me after and said that I did such a great job and that being student body president this last year probably really helped me know how to speak in big crowds. It was funny because the branch president (President Nelson . . . I want to know if he and THE President Nelson are related :)) stopped me after church when we were in our leadership meeting and said he was impressed that I could speak without having anything written down. I had just typed out bullet points on my phone and then spoke on them. He said he will be calling on me to speak more often :);).

Me and Elder Henshaw taught young men's as well yesterday. It was on seminary and why we need to go to seminary. It was so humbling to hear the boys' answers and why they feel it's important. Seminary and institute are so so so important to go to. I challenge everyone to start and to keep going to seminary and institute. It will change your life :).

I was also able to be part of 2 blessings yesterday after church. It was so cool and I'm so so grateful for the opportunity and blessing to be an instrument in the hands of the Lord.

Today the plan is to go shopping and go get a haircut. My hair is getting pretty long. Then we have a dinner tonight with the branch president and his family at 6 I believe. BTW, our mission doesn't do member dinners anymore unless we have a convert or investigator with us. So we usually just do member support visits and go check on everyone.

We are currently teaching a guy named Raphael, a girl named Sarah and her family, and a lady named Carol. They are all super cool people. The faith has to be there. Faith is such a strong word, but we must ACT on the faith or the faith won't work.

I challenge each of you to do something this week with family, whether it is going for a walk together, or out to dinner, or movie night, or a game night. I promise that when you do this, the love we have for each other will be stronger than ever.

We email and call from the Chardon church each week because it has wifi and our house does not. So we go there on Mondays. We go to the library (I got a library card so that I can use their wifi) during the week to do mission portal and OCM papers and assignments from President Stratford.

Funny story . . . We had a lunch yesterday from a member, and they gave us sparkling water. We didn't go home until the evening so we just put the 2 waters in the back seat while we drove to people's houses yesterday. On the way home, I had a really bad headache and needed something to drink but I had finished my spark so I started to open 1 sparkling water and . . . SPLASH! It squirted all over me, the car, and Elder Henshaws suit jacket. We sat there, and then started laughing and I cleaned it up. His suit is okay now, it dried up, but I was like, "yep, it has been a day" ;).

How are you all doing? How is work and school? How is the weather? It is chilly here, like 75 degrees with about 85 percent humidity. How did Salem football do against Payson? Tell Craig either way that Salem is the better team ;).

I love you all so so much and pray for you everyday :) I miss you all so so so much and am grateful you are sharing this adventure with me. I am so excited to talk to you all today!!

I love you forever and always!!
Elder Dylan McEwan

3 Nephi 5:13

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Arrival in Ohio at the OCM

Elder Dylan McEwan

He made it!

The missionaries arrived last evening after a full day of travel. We had a nice dinner and a quick visit before they headed off to bed. They are all excited to be here and I thought you might enjoy seeing a picture of your son with Sister Stratford and me, as well as his new companion.

Elder McEwan with President and Sister Stratford

Elder McEwan with Elder Henshaw
Companions for new missionaries are selected after much prayer and careful consideration. Be assured that your son will be in good hands! We have included his new address so that you will be able to send mail and an occasional package (don’t overdo it—let him learn the valuable lessons associated with independence. Likewise, learning to survive on a budget will give your missionary the opportunity to gain self-control over his finances).
I have attached a sheet which will give you some guidelines related to the important role you will play during your son’s mission. Above all, trust in the Lord to watch over and bless your missionary. Remember that he is in the Lord’s hands, doing His work. May His choice blessings be with your family as we strive to build the kingdom together here in Ohio!

Faithfully yours, President and Sister Stratford

Ohio Columbus Mission

Monday, September 2, 2019

MTC Happy 19th Birthday

September 2, 2019

Dear Family,

Wow! What a day. Being 19 is exhausting :). It has been a great day. I want to start this letter off by saying that the gospel is amazing! Jesus Christ is there for each one of us. Sometimes He withholds things in our lives  either to test our faith and  truth in Him, or  He wants  to  show His power through us to the rest of His children. "Why are you taking me through troubled waters?" "Because your enemies  can't swim." Never forget this. The Lord loves  us and only asks that we all trust and have  faith in Him. I've learned this so much.

How are you all doing? How was Labor Day? What did you guys do for it? Today was a great birthday for me even though it was very different not celebrating it at home. Everyone sang to me and Elder Cowdell wrote, "Happy Birthday, Elder McEwan" on our whiteboard in our classroom we  are  in everyday :). I missed going to Brick Oven. I was telling everyone it is #2 all-time place to eat and  #1 is . . . subway :) . . . just kidding, it is still Chuck-A-Rama!

I'm excited to see what grocery stores and places to eat are in Ohio. Hopefully I won't need a Sam's Club card (huh Mom? :) :)). Course, I don't even know if Sam's Club is big back East. Maybe it's just Costco and thrift stores :). Since we went to the thrift stores when we visited Missouri to see Grandpa and Grandma, I can say I know how to shop at a thrift store and can find good deals -- Thanks for teaching me, Dad.

I can't believe I leave on Wednesday and in 48 hours from now, I will  be at the mission home. I can feel the nerves of it all . . . "The Real Thing." But I know Heavenly Father has prepared me for this  time in my life. I encourage you to read and ponder 1 Nephi 3:7. Time is of the essence. We must be full  of positive energy everyday and be instruments in the hands of the Lord. I can feel myself changing everyday and it feels wonderful.

I also encourage you all to write in your journals every day. In fact, keep two journals -- one for positive thoughts and one for negativity. After you write  in the negative journal each night, rip up the past and crumble it. Then look at the positive journal and read it. God is there and He always wants us to recognize His blessings in our lives. I have accepted this challenge and it is so very wonderful and amazing to see my blessings and not worry about the negative.

Mom - How is teaching Sunday School  and BYU-I registering going? Maybe they just need  you to do it for them. You should tell them you are a registrar and to "thank you later", hahaha :).

Dad - How did convention go? Did you and mom take a road trip and drive down? :). Also, I saw on member tools that I'm not on our ward mission page under "serving," so I was confused if they had  me in there????

I miss you all so very much. I pray night and day for you and I'm looking forward to calling on Wednesday morning.

I love you all forever and  always!
Elder Dylan McEwan
Mosiah 18
2 Nephi 31
Enos 1

"Be Thou Humble" -- Hymn 130
Alma 17:11
Alma 38:2

We can do this by trusting in God . . . ALWAYS!

Post Return

As you have left your mission and "family" in the Ohio Columbus Mission and returned to your home and family in Salem, Utah, you h...